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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Pierre is the lowest common dominator, so it's no wonder he's popular among a small group of cons.
  2. They could change the rules but, currently, you are correct. She chose not to run for the leadership but agreed to be the interim leader.
  3. Literate vs Illiterate. No wonder the GOP bans books. They can't read them.
  4. The only policy the CPC put forward in the last election was a horribly constructed and wayyy too messy carbon tax. And, it seems to be the first thing they want to kill. Conservatives thinks the climate is going to solve itself. And, that will never win them an election. They're fighting things that the rest of Canada moved past twenty years ago. Even conversion therapy is somehow a controversial issue. What sort of horrible people would be FOR conversion therapy? The worst.
  5. No, his complaint is that the minimum wage for Globals is lower than the minimum wage for Canadians. Not the same in the NFL because there is no ratio to worry about. His passport did not help or hurt his chances.
  6. I think Freeland is everyone's odds on favorite but I don't see it happening. The misogyny in this country, in politics and in the media just doesn't allow for it.
  7. Trudeau will not lead the Liberals into the next election, IMO and Pierre will never be PM. I can't believe that conservatives think they're close to leading this country.
  8. Pollievre is just a hack. Literally says anything and does not even understand basic economics. But, sure, put him in charge.
  9. This. Although, I don't think MacKay could carry an election. You need someone like Harper. A "reformer" from Ontario.
  10. Why the rings in his ears? Doesn't he know where they go? And, he has three of them. Please don't tell me where the third is.
  11. The MOU if the truckkker convoy is something else. Also, no truckers are involved, just racist trash and grifters.
  12. I would guess both players wanted this and the teams didn't want to take a chance with FA. Tampering period does make for interesting times. This is a win for the CFL, IMO. Lapo made me do it.
  13. That's an interesting development. When the Stamps make moves, it's significant. They are as much of a model as the Bombers but have been doing it longer.
  14. Right but you were complaining about something no one said. We're not signing him for $200k. If that's his price, he's going into a long offseason of misery because no one will. But at no point has $200k been a number mentioned on this board (as realistic) and in the press. If the price is fair, Walters needs to decide between him and the other two, much younger, RBs.
  15. I'm not saying it is. I was just pointing the distinction.
  16. Where are the comments about how he can be signed for under 500k? 800k? Why is 200k a reasonable number for an aging RB with health issues?
  17. Conservatives lie with impunity. Example 1,549.
  18. And being able to wear my Simpson "5" jersey. Reduce, reuse, recycle.
  19. I remember, back in the day, when we got all concerned about Collaros leaving. Those were good times.
  20. Bryant took a chance on Winnipeg. We paid him, obviously, but he still took a big chance.
  21. It contains a warning now, which it should. I discuss it with my kids when we watch. I've continued to watch it in the context that it is funny but it is culturally insensitive. I find that the humour is still funny and relevant because the tropes weren't (usually) used to delivery the comedy.
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