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Everything posted by bustamente

  1. It bothers me that this team is not 6-0.
  2. 4 Stripes much improved 8 points last week 9 points this week, in Stinkville that's improvement.
  3. Even if they would of thrown out Harris the outcome would of been the same, Riders 3-0 was flattering
  4. I hate rushing just three nothing good comes of it, but with the score being what it is I'll let it go
  5. A long drive will help a poor decision to not give up a point
  6. McGuire impersonating Streveler right down to the beard
  7. Edem with a stupid attempt hurts himself, even Captain Blue thought is was a stupid attempt
  8. Glad to see they didn't give up on the running game
  9. I'm getting Hurl vibes from Briggs, he is not an every down player
  10. Punch gets you thrown out, not that it will do any damage, ripping a helmet off not so much
  11. Suitor may not be wearing a green tie, but he definitely has green underwear on again today
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