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Posts posted by BombedOut



    Reffing has gone from brutal to ruining the product on the field. Hard to defend the CFL to people.

    how we can have such atrocious reffing at the biggest time of cfl exposure in a decade blows my mind... we look so bush. Even our instant replay guys cant get **** right!

    Our jumbotron guys have been horrible for a long long time. Horrible timing, both for when it's bad for the bombers and when it's good for the away team.


    I can't tell you how many times I've screamed at the Replay guys while sitting at IGF, trying to watch their slow, horrible, abysmal attempts to show you what has gone on during a previous critical play. (They're terrific at showing coaches, benches, players adjusting their jocks, saying "Hi Mom", the Blue Brigade, and Dancing Gabe.) If they gave half the effort to replays that they do for the fan "Dance Cams", we may actually see something useful and relevant.

    The CFL is losing credibility by the day. Terrible officiating, inept replay technology, QBs eaten up due to the need to have Canadian offensive linemen (for the most part...due to ratios), poor execution by players, ( Oh....so THAT'S why you got cut from the NFL!)  excessive or phantom penalties  etc. And if that wasn't enough, you are occasionally tormented by TSN's masterful decision to ruin your TV watching experience by having Rod Black stumble through yet another CFL matchup.

    I find it ironic that the Bombers may have lost the game due to a "No End" phantom call. Their problems have "No End", So perhaps the result is fitting and appropriate , 


    I continue to be amazed at how we get outcoached game after game and I marvel at their ability to find new and innovative ways to lose football games.


    Then again, I'll have to review the films to be sure about that.

  2. I've been a die-hard Bomber fan for over 20 years now. I think I'm done. The saddest part is I'm not angry, or raging about it. I'm not throwing things around, I'm not a cranky mess after a loss like I had been before. I've just, well, given up. There was a time not too long ago when my week would revolve around game day. The last three games, as soon as the Bombers came up against any adversity I'd just check out and do something else. Not because I'm angry. It's because I've just stopped caring. I stuck by this team, through thick and thin, and I hate it, but I think I've reached the breaking point. I didn't want it to end. This team gave me two decades of memories. I have a jogo card signed by Gerald Wilcox. When we'd play football at the park and kids were Joe Montana and Jerry Rice I was Rick House and Rod Hill. I have an adidas Milt Stegall jersey. I joined Ourbombers in 2000. I got a computer for university, got the u of m internet access, and the first thing I looked for was a place to talk Bombers. The first thing my son had was a Blue Bomber onesie. He had a t-shirt that said "I'm a Bomber fan because my daddy said so!". I want so very badly to still love this team. To say 'we' and 'us' like the passionate irrational Bomber fan that I used to be. To be one of the old dudes on the west side going to games with my grandkids one day. But it just isn't there anymore.


    I was 10 when the Bombers last won the cup. I'm a father now. I've done my time. Friends of mine who were fans when we were kids who checked out a long time ago, I was giving them the "stick with your team" speech too. I want to love this team still. I really do. But I don't have the energy, the patience, or the temperament to keep gutting it out. The worst part is, above all of that, I no longer have the will. It has just been beaten out of me.


    To the die-hard Blue and Gold who's strength to endure is stronger than mine: God speed, and see you at the Moose game.

    Bpmber management needs to listen to this post VERY carefully. There are MANY MANY people who feel similarly. When long term, passsionate supporters have been driven to this level of apathy, the Bombers risk far more than one or two seasons of disappointment. They risk the generational bond that is the lifeblood of the season ticket base and future Bombers support.  This situation has now reached critical mass. Without an immediate (not in 2 or 3 years) improvement in the on field product and game experience, I predict that there will be a precipitous drop in ticket purchases and overall support. That will translate to empty seats and indifference.

    After 54 years of season tickets, I am considering NOT going to next Saturday's game and NOT giving away my 3 tickets. My 3 empty seats in the 8th row on the 50 will stand in visible, mute testimony to my unwillingness to sit through any more of the abuse. If more people did the same, perhaps the message will finally get through.

  3. Things I am tired of:

    (1) O'Shea: 'We'll have to look at the film". 
    Bullsh&*t! If  I can see what the problem is 8 rows up on the 50, you surely can with all the reports your getting from the spotter booth. Take some responsibility you lame ass. That excuse is unacceptable.


    (2) The amount of "Coaching" being done along teh sidelines between offence/defense rotation. The discussions are endless. Its like a Pop Warner game. You are supposed to be professionals. You had 2 weeks ( including a by-week) to prepare for this team. The discussion should be " They are doing "this". We counter with "that", the way we prepared.....NOT "tell me what they are doing out there and let me show you how you deal with that". Sheer incompetence.  Note to Teague Sherman...STFU and play football instead of yapping all the time on the sidlines.


    (3) Stupid Undisciplined Special teams Penalties
    Hey special teams doofus! You are BARELY on this team. You are a special teams player. You are are looking to improve your standing with the team. You are on the field ONLY for special teams. WTF are you doing taking a dumb penalty...roughing, illegal block, too many men, procedure ..etc?  Get your head out of your ass.


    (4) High Fives for (3)
    Don't you just love it when a player makes a bonehead play and the rest of the team comes over for a "don't worry/sympathy" high five/slap.
    NO...You DON'T.   You DON'T "reward" a player for screwing up.

    What we need is a coach or leader like Chris Walby grabbing the guy's grill, getting in their face and saying "That is BS. Get your act together and do something to HELP the team. Focus and do your job".

    If I were coach...ther would be NO HIGH FIVING/FIST bumping unless it was for a GREAT play.  Punt out at the one yd line! Sure!   Long FG!?  Great!. Pick? Outstanding!!     Great catch/run/sack? fantastic!....High Five for sure!!!
    ................Taking a stupid penatly? Missing a tackle? Watching someone beat you long? ...uh NO. You don't get a "sympathy  high five" for that from your team mate..  That's BS. I don't care if you think its moral support. It doesn't reinforce the right message. NON PERFORMANCE IS NOT REWARDED.

    Fine em if necessary. Its about mental toughness and self evaluation. I'm sick and tired of the validation of mediocrity on this team.


    (4) Backups/Injured Reserve on the Sidelines. 
    i counted 26 individuals in "civies" on the sidelines. Many of them were clowining around/smiling during the game....regardless of the score. ( When he played for us, Kevin Glenn was famous for this after getting pulled.)  Are you kidding me?

    You are down 20 points in front of your home crowd.  Your offence sucks.   Your team is doing NOTHING. There's nothing funny about that.  Pretend that you give sh%t and have a modicum of respect for the fans that pay to see this abysmal effort.


    So tired of the steaming pile of feces that we are forced to watch every game. 
    Shame on you.  Bomber fans deserve better.

  4. Am I the only one who thinks the TSN CFL broadcasts totally suck?   No I mean REALLY SUCK.

    First we have Rod Black - probably best summed up by one of the posters from the infanous Facebook group  "Get Rod Black Off of TSN". "Rod...your butt must be jealous of the stuff that comes out of your mouth." In a word.
    Awful. Please go away. Stick to figure skating or water polo.

    Secondly, Who is running the replay machine on these broacasts? Are they still using tape?  WTF?  WHy does it take almost an entire minute for TSN to replay the LAST PLAY?????  I don't giving a rat's ass about shots of the bench, the coach, the refs when I want to see what happened on the LAST PLAY. Get it?? Is there really a penalty? Was the ball on the ground? If he was interfered with...lets see it. If the guy was offside...show me. I can't count how many times I was left hanging last night by terrible camera work, poor replay timing and simply bad video directing.  (BUT...They had NO problem running the same stupid commercials 6 times a game....THAT ...they got right.)


    Thirdly, Schultzie, if you EVER grab  Milt Stegall's threads like you did in last night's broadcast, expect Milt to break a foot off in your ass.   ( Did you see the experession on Milt's face when Schultz, grabbed the shoulder of his suit on camera?) Do NOT TOUCH MILT'S FINERY!!!

    Schultz your suit looks like it belongs in a Talking Heads movie. ( Look it up)


    I'm starting to believe that Willy (a) was hurt in the 2nd game here. ( I distinctly  remember him being sacked and then coming up holding his ribs.) He hasn't been the same since. He is playing hurt and his throws show it. No zip, no pace.  Happy feet, never got set to throw in the game. ( B) Yeah his completion numbers look decent , quarterbakc rating is high...but the plays develop MUCH too slowly. © offense has NO identity, and is totally predicatble. If EVERYONE in the country (including the Eskies) knew that on 2nd and 2 at the goal line early in the game, we'd be running off tackle...of COURSE we'll be stopped.  OC, WTF is your problem?


    54 years in the same seats. I've seen it all. More and more its looking like another Bomber "also ran" team. Sorry folks if your "go to" guy is  Julian Feoli-Godino then all you have is another reincarnation of Allan  Boyko.  ....who scared no one.


    Mike O'Shea may have been a decent player for the Argos but he leaves a LOT to be desired as coach. The one thing that TSN DID showlast night....a lot of Mike O'Shea with a "s%^&t eating grin on his face.


    How hurt is Marve?

    Bring back Luther Selbo or Benji Dial.


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