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Everything posted by Nolby

  1. Let's see what kind of loyalty we've got in that department. It's been a treat having our big time guys take huge paycuts and helped tremendously. Hopefully Walters can spin some magic and keep em all together but it's gonna be tough.
  2. I just don't see Collaros leaving,going back to the team you were once on that has been beat in back to back grey cups? I don't think Fajardo is going anywhere,I think the Riders try and pry an olineman out of Winnipeg and attempt to rebuild that trash oline.
  3. Is rather see those than the terrible baby blue hand written logo
  4. Just pause the season for a couple weeks,I know that's a massive amount of work but we know it's going to get to that point. It'll benefit team physically,mentally and will get a bid of a grip on this situation.
  5. In 2 years,we've literally made up half the Riders total Championships in their 111 year history.....Oh,and P.S. they had a 20 year head start on us too!!!!
  6. Our most recent version of that must've been Toronto in 2012 with Collaros,Ray and Harris. Not all hall of famera but it might have been the most talent on one team we've seen in a while
  7. I'm very very confident that Zach signs at least a 2 year contract,I wonder if he'll literally wait and see what happens with our oline first? He could almost ask a max dollar amount given he's the regular season/playoff mvp. I think Bighill gets a little more as he took a monster paycut,Adams stays at a reduced salary,Jefferson wants to move his family here from Texas so I think he stick,as well as jeffcoat. The oline will be the tricky part and the most expensive after this year's performance. Locking Castillo up is a must(he's turning 32 next November,NFL window might almost be shut). Like I said in an earlier post,I'm very glad I don't have Kyle Walters job this off season,he's gonna be totally gray or bald at the end of all this.
  8. It's a dream offer. Coach your natural background,in your home state also making a million plus each year.....very hard to turn down.
  9. Usually at the start of the year you never know who's going to be the powerhouse or div leader until a handful of games in. Ottawa in their first couple of games looked to have a real strong defense and looked good, I'd expect it to be a decent game at the least.
  10. I think Maier will be Calgary's starter next season and a long shot is BLM starting for Hamilton next season.
  11. At least he had the common sense to create me in Manitoba
  12. We can thank Mike O'Shea,it isn't a team,its a family.
  13. Im not overly worried about the older vets,this is a place to end your career on high notes. The younger guys will be tricky,I'm thankful I don't have Walters job this offseason.
  14. We didn't have to beat them,Ottawa beat Ottawa for us
  15. I just caught that video of Stanley,there's nothing in his locker room interview that even hinted at retirement. I think Harris is the one that would make sense to retire,I know he's close to 10000 but back to back grey Cup victories for your home town team is a way to ride off.
  16. This no joke,when they intercepted that,I jumped off the couch yelling and something popped in my left knee. Went to work and had to leave early as my limp was getting worse and worse....it hurts but still worth it!
  17. 1- Collaros throws 2 picks (1 was a good play by Kelly,other had to have been a mix up in routes,QBs just don't usually throw to open DBs) and keeps his composure to get this to OT and sealed it. 2- Castillo was money in brutal winds 3- Stove,Alford,Wilson and Nichols were a 4 headed monster that played lights out. HH would go to Rasheed,he made some monster catches in very good coverage.
  18. For those who are the older crowd,where does this Bomber team sit in your ranks? I know the 80s had absolute legends and those teams were incredible but after this season of dominance I'm just curious.
  19. It'll be interesting but I think the biggest leverage we have at bringing players back won't be as much of a money thing, O'Shea has literally changed our culture,players will take bullets for him and he lets his players be players and that's huge.
  20. Alford is young and very talents, definitely going to get looks from the NFL,hoping Jeffcoat can work something out but he deserves a raise and no one can blame him.
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