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Everything posted by iHeart

  1. game over Fish win 11-4 2nd championship in four years. Now if only the Bombers can pull it off in November and the Jets pull it off in June
  2. 8-0 thank you Wes Darvill, it's like the fish are trying to get payback after being drubbed in games 2 and 3
  3. here is a stream if anyone is interested but the audio is crap https://pointstreakaa11.eduvision.tv/watchlive.aspx?q=yae235ysELc%3d
  4. It is the top of the 7th and the fish are now leading 7-0 Oh just give Reggie Abercrombie the player of the year award already
  5. well tonight is game 5 of the championship and so far the Goldeyes are leading 4-0 over Wichita
  6. They're planning on it in the Home Opener
  7. and now I kind of wish I hadn't shared that article.
  8. yeah it's a shame he doesn't have his own number or something it's a shame his unit # can't be in jersey form or something, maybe his season ticket seat should have a small memorial plaque or something, like the Concert hall has itty bitty plaques...no wait I think he deserves better than that,
  9. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2016/09/13/former-bomber-coach-zaleski-dies and sadly so has Len Kropioski
  10. I am really hating 2016 more than ever anyway, I don't see anything on the free press or the sun that says so and Russ Hobson just confirmed it
  11. it took 5 games, but the fish are advancing to the finals, oh yeah did I mention that they're playing against the wingnuts? yep the rematch to end all rematches is coming, even though this is a minor league team, boy I hope the fish cause a buttload of Mound Visits in Wichita because whenever there's a mound visit in Wichita they play tv theme songs (I swear to god I heard Carmen Sandiego being played in game 3 in 2012)
  12. yes but how many Grey cups has Kevin Glenn won since leaving the Bombers?
  13. I knew Kevin Glenn would be crawling back. But the big question is, how many times will he get to play this season?
  14. This just in Alexis Arquette has died of a sudden illness..and now we know it was an AIDS related illness that killed him http://peoplem.ag/VeDWbiZ
  15. and the countdown to Chris Jones losing his job starts now
  16. oh come on this guy is obviously jumping the gun as you can tell, I can't remember if I should embed or copy tweet to link
  17. listen, this is technically good news for me, because I like to watch those ads live, and at least I won't have to fight the spam on first row sports just to find a decent feed
  18. you know it's funny, recently I was wondering if there would have been complications would end up happening in the long term, considering that she had her transplant 11 years ago, they say that the drugs she took to keep the body from rejecting the transplant made her susceptible to cancer, but I think I also heard at one point that she was also a smoker
  19. Fishies slam the Fargo-Moorhead Redhawks 6-1 in the first game of a double header. Now there is another Goldeyes game going on right now (Like I said, it's a Double-header today because yesterdays game was canceled due to rain out) so on wednesday the Goldeyes will be up against the St.Paul Saints The second game is over, and the fish got flattened 10-5 by the Red Hawks, but the Fish are going to playoffs anyway, it wouldn't have really mattered
  20. grr I thought I was freed from that PSA for good
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