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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Good point! Add to that the 147 Democrats in congress that tried to overturn the election by voting against cert.... wait- sorry my mistake republicans... Yeah, not the same. You legit have one party that is actively trying to destroy democracy.
  2. You are "both siding" this? In the USA, there is one party that stands for democracy and one that is trying to systematically dismantle the american republic... you can't "both sides" this thing.
  3. WTAF is this all about? Why on Earth would Biden get impeached? I mean, other than the INSANITY that is today's GQP. I have not seen anything credible to conclude that this will happen or is even merited. Wait... unless you are talking about spaceforce...
  4. I think he's "whatabouting" the war crimes. Also, interesting read here:
  5. Is it possible to abandon something that you never possessed?
  6. WHy the **** is Hungary still part of NATO?
  7. Good lord, I weep for the USA sometimes... useful idiots, the lot of them are.
  8. First this: Then this: These ******* monsters.... Also, was anyone else as cynical as I was when they were showing the russian mobile crematorium? All I could think when I saw that was, "Those aren't just to hide russian casualties... mother fuckers are going to use them to hide ******* war crimes."
  9. How do you figure? What data, metric or policy changes are you using to come to this conclusion? Genuinely curious, because I am often a victim of my own confirmation bias.
  10. SOme very interesting information on the logistics of the failed attempt to take Kyiv in 2 days and what scenarios might playout:
  11. Yeah, still a bit vague. I hope it's true, but I will sit on that assumption and wait for confirmation- especially since the info war is raging on both sides.
  12. Is this confirmed? I haven't seen anything confirming the strike. A fire and explosion... but no confirmation of missle strike.
  13. Unkle Vlad's polonium tea is being served again.
  14. Amazing reporting on the unsecured comms russia is using.
  15. Stumbled across this clip many years ago- it just resurfaced... seems more prescient as each day passes.
  16. Saw it. Enjoyed it. Only minor issues with the movie. If you enjoyed some of the more detective types of Batman comics- you will dig this.
  17. Baraka's https://www.barakapitabakery.ca/
  18. Agreed, no replacement. "Two Bacon Cheeseboorgers for you." All those personally written sings posted everywhere...
  19. I like those mentioned so far.... It's just that I used to go to Sonja's and their fat boy was the best bang for buck
  20. Ok fellow Bomber fans... What is the best burger in Winnipeg?
  21. What are your sources for this? SOunds awesome, hope it's true.
  22. There is not going to be any ROI on the pipeline...
  23. They are up the sidewalk a little more, finger wagging and saying, "Heeeey, you can't do that...."
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