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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Interesting take on things regarding Mueller report... https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/19/opinions/mueller-report-obama-jennings/index.html very critical of Obama, but it peddles the mueller report to cover obama's butt... I don't buy it- that was mostly Rosenstien. I however agree that during Obama's presidency, he did very little (other than sanctions after the fact) to dissuade the russians in the electtion meddling and annexation of crimea.... Though the author doesn't mention Cocaine mitch's obscuring Obama's warning though... (of all the politicians... he is the absolute worse). Interseting take from Biden: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/23/mitch-mcconnell-russia-obama-joe-biden-359531 d
  2. And that is the issue here... He saw a ton collusion with, what are basically extensions of the GRU and RUssian intelligence), but since they are not technically Russian Government, it doesn't count towards the scope of the Mueller probe. I think however... these instances were referred to the counter-intelligence investigations that are going on.
  3. Well.. impeachment has and will always be dictated by the court of public opinion... so there is that. You can't indict a sitting president according to the DOJ so- indictment is off the table. the way to indict a president is to Impeach to remove from office, and then indict... I believe that is the proper mechanism for that. First impulse is to say that system is broken... then upon second thought, you look at what transpired and say... yeah the checks and balances worked... but then in a more in depth look at what happened to trigger all this.... it could really all be chance... If Rosenstein didn't have a sense of self-preservation after being thrown under the bus for signing off and being the "patsy" for firing Comey... we wouldn't have the Mueller investigation.
  4. I blame that on the spin Barr did. It was totally transparent and in his wheelhouse (he's done this sort of thing twice in the past re:1989 Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel and again in the iran contra scandal.). Its funny to see people so surprised by his actions... Upon Barr's appointment I thought of this: "A scorpion asks a frog to carry him over a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, both would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog then agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When asked why, the scorpion points out that this is its nature." --Fable of the Scorpion and the Frog
  5. What I am really curious about, is the counter intelligence investigations going on... apparently there are 2+ ongoing CI investigations going on. What was really fascinating about the scope of the Mueller report was that he was supposed to investigate collusion with the Russian Government... but it was the oligarchs with STRONG ties to Putin and the GRU that made contact with the trump team... so when Mueller says (because it is accurate/yet misleading) that no one on trump transition team colluded with the Russian government, its correct... yet misleading. at what point does Russian Government = Russian Oligarchs with STRONG ties to Putin and do his bidding.
  6. I do though- otherwise there would be no discussion. This thread would be nothing but trump bashing and no substance. Also, it makes me question my opinions and double check my facts. So yeah- I do sincerely appreciate your opinions. thanks Zontar.
  7. all of this has been disproved many times over- these are literally Mark Medows and Jim Jordan's talking points, I just saw an interview with them moments ago... there are no facts to back up this conspiracy theory. Anyways, thanks for sharing your opinion- I appreciate it.
  8. so... nothing to do with the Mueller probe and the mountain of obstruction of justice evidence. Once again, I respect you offering us your opinion on these matters but I whole heartily disagree. It's cool- you want to push your narrative, that's fine- but you can't conflate the Mueller probe and the facts with... that theory.
  9. That is the exact narrative fox news is pushing! it's quite frightening that a "news" organization would push these CRAZY conspiracy theories just to protect a sitting criminal...
  10. What does this have to do with the criminal obstruction found in the Mueller probe?
  11. Ok, so then your opinion then. I respect your right to say that- I disagree.
  12. You can't charge a sitting president. You can only impeach. So yeah most people that understand the law would be ok with that regardless of their true colours.
  13. is this fact or are you just stating your opinion here? I can't tell. Please clarify.
  14. Thanks for the fox talking points- how about addressing the Mueller report.
  15. How is this a dog and pony show by the Democrats?
  16. Watch something other than fox and you will get a clearer picture.
  17. Or... Congress to do its job and impeach... you infer too much.
  18. There was more than enough evidence to indict for obstruction of justice. Charges were not brought against trump because (Mueller even checked with doj about indicting a sitting president) he chose not to bring charges against trump for obstruction because trump would not get the chance to defend himself in court.
  19. So you didn't read the report at all...
  20. I tyhink the fact the Blues were trying to score and the ******* Jets were trying to smother the puck (with 28secs left to play) sums up the two teams... it's like Lapo got into Maurice's ear or something... *whisper: play... not... to... loose....
  21. I don't even know why I watch this ****. It's a ******* waste of time
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