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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. Been away for a while. Why has Mike Reilly not been signed yet by us?
  2. https://www.tmz.com/2019/02/01/michael-avenatti-no-criminal-charges-domestic-violence/
  3. -Kill Bill 2 - Bourne Ultimatum + Road Warrior + Face/Off + Bourne Supremacy + Matrix
  4. Yep. Off the cliff now with what they gonna do. When do the aliens show up next? Also they gave away some great scenes in this trailer.
  5. Surprised Laine not on list. Not a lot surprised but a little.
  6. Mark Stone anyone? https://www.tsn.ca/stone-up-to-no-10-on-trade-bait-list-1.1250497 Looks whose at #21.
  7. Have not heard much but I suspect they'll be earning min wage and they'll have to cover that.
  8. Antoine Vermette has retired from the NHL after 14 seasons. The 36-year-old made the announcement through the NHL Players' Association on Thursday. Vermette scored 228 goals and registered 287 assists for 515 points in 1,046 regular-season games with the Ottawa Senators, Columbus Blue Jackets, Phoenix/Arizona Coyotes, Chicago Blackhawks and Anaheim Ducks.
  9. Time : Saturday 6, SN360/SNW Stats : 21-21-9 @ 32-16-2
  10. It will when u factor in beer prices @ BellMTS.
  11. But as a prequel its no surprise. Though if they set it 10 years ago i think Affleck could do it.
  12. Laine was really good the 2nd half of last season. He's scored just 2 goals in his last 18 games & only 4 over his past 25.
  13. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/2184462/customs-officers-deliver-hk62-million-blow-smugglers Hard to believe that in this day and age peeps still prefer powdered ivory over Viagra.
  14. What about offer sheet? https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/nhl-offer-sheets-work-six-players-get-one/
  15. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/carstairs-westview-co-op-grocery-car-key-fob-1.4999558
  16. iHeart is my friend. You support your friends in good and bad times.
  17. That just torrented! Will watch tonight and review.
  18. https://www.si.com/tech-media/2019/01/30/tom-brady-kdka-graphic-known-cheater-employee-fired
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