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Everything posted by Starman115

  1. Great extra effort by Brady to get that ball across the line!
  2. Way too much pressure on Zach so far! Need to make some o-line adjustments and come back out focused in the 2nd half. Defence bending a bit too much for my liking. Lucky to only have given up 7.
  3. Ottawa sporting a goose egg on the board after 3 quarters. Seems like Lapo wants to go out with a bang, lol.
  4. Bombers should have a promotion of some kind for the rematch. Not sure what they could do... maybe hand out 30,000 free air horns to the fans? 😂
  5. Seems to have happened in every game I've watched this year.
  6. Doesn't appear as though too many fans got the memo about wearing white.
  7. The bend-but-don't-break D holds again, but we need to start putting up some tds on the board.
  8. Can't remember the stats about it, but these two teams have had a lot of very close games in recent years. Should be a great 2nd half.
  9. Suitor is so hyper-focused on the Sask defence. B.C. with an incredible drive down the field for a TD, and all Suitor yaps about after every single play is a the Sask D. So annoying!
  10. Talk about self destruction. Going backwards. Killing the clock. Then coughing it up for a TD. Unbelievable.
  11. They scored more than both Bombers and Elks put together, as of right now.
  12. I checked out the replays on YouTube and I can't tell conclusively either way.
  13. I get the sense that Lapo will find a way to do this... somehow.
  14. Redblacks TD! Looks like we have a game here after all!
  15. Okay, I wasn't paying attention to the yardage. I misunderstood the explanation by the ref that it was no catch. My bad. Lapo being Lapo on the decision to go for 3.
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