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Posts posted by BomberFan

  1. Niether a wrecked throwing hand or a twisted up ankle can take this guy down! There he was in the third quarter running for a TD when poor ole Buck would have been in the infirmary by now ;) Win or lose this season, Drew is a born leader, a tough hombre, and a rising star in this league, He is the real deal and something special and if we can put some more of the right pieces around him, we'll be successful for years to come. Just my thoughts hopefully encouraging, on an otherwise depressing rainy last day of August ... ;)

    I hope his ankle ok...

  2. You are too quick to hate on O'Shea. He has been alot for the team this. Bringing the team from 3-15 to 6-4 is pretty damn good. Burke could never do that.

    Slow down there bud, there's no HATE for O'Shea. I think most of us are in agreement that he's brought an incredible sea-change to the Bombers. That's not to say he's perfect or doesn't make mistakes. Fans questioning or complaining about a call they don't agree with isn't hate. I sure as hell hope we don't fall into another IMWT crapfest, O'Shea ain't perfect but he's best breath of fresh air we've had here in quite a while. And there's no need to call fans morons who disagree sometimes with his judgement.


    Is it possible that you could tire out a guy like Chick if you went after him instead of trying to get away from him? Run at him head on, on slants, screens, short dumps in front of him with motion, in behind him, etc. Basically get him running all over the field. Make him work hard every play. It might have a positive effect later in the game.


    Dumb idea?


    Yes it is a very bad idea as you would waste 3 quarters trying to tire the guy out meanwhile the Riders run up the score and you lose by a long mile.... also Chick is in good shape and isn't a guy who gasses out.


    Didn't look so **** hot today, except for the pre-game show. He was pretty much a non-factor. 



    Knee jerk reactions are fun.


    it wasn't knee jerk when suitor called him out on tv, and it wasn't knee jerk when i said in chat it was a brutal call. we were jsut fine getting 3rd and 1 before in the game, and in the cfl they have to line up a yard away from you. qb sneak, get the 1st, run clock, maybe get 6. even if u dont get 6 you run clock and force durant to make throws.


    was  our d brutal? yep im pretty sure i nominated them as a place to blame.  but in the end oshea made a cowardly call.


    O'Shea is the best thing to happen to the Bombers in years.  Excellent young coach.


    No argument there. Doesn't mean he doesn't blow calls or make mistakes. Todays game is an example of that. Lets' not have another IMWT type bandwagon, ok?



    Typing this forty times in the chat room wasn't enough...?

    He wasn't the only one. You happy with the call?



    Yes, actually.  Sask has one of the best DL in the league... everyone would be barking "We have the best kicker in the league and OShea puts in Marve... what was he thinking?  Wah"


    In the following drive, Sask gets a great spot for 3rd and inches and then we are still one sweater grab away from stopping them even then.  Then Kuale's offside I believe and wheels come off our D.


    OShea coached a good game.  So did MB.


    It was Etch who was too conservative this game... that and we have some personnel holes to fill.


    Well it turns out the difference in the game was 5 points. You do the math. 

  6. Sure there where some lapses on the Bombers part but that was the WORST officiated game I have ever seen. I've had enough of this Bomber hating clown! Wasn't he the guy who gave the Als the win a few years back at CanadInns Stadium? Of course Allen can run through a hole that the Bomber defender is being clearly held on. How many blatent offsides by the Riders turned into big plays does he think is enough? Puke ... I mean Proulx!

    Whoa there big guy, CFL refs are excellent. See the Officiating thread for clarification. Go Refs!

  7. If the bombers were stuffed on the 3rd and 1(which can happen to any team at any time) the same people would be bitching how he didn't take the points. I thought it was a good call. Defence should have done their job. This team needs some real LBs.

    Well 3 pts didn't make a goddam difference did it? 7 would have.


    Mike O'Shea says it's not serious. There you go.

    That's a rather standard response by The Mikester. Said the same thing when Watson went down. Sears, Neufeld, Greaves, Moore, etc. To make a declarative states that its NOT SERIOUS is more for team morale. The real story will be how the limb reacts to treatment and whether it swells up tomorrow.


    See you on Labour day.


    So wait a second. The cost of one of these jerseys is being added to my property tax bill? No? Oh. Wait. The cost of one of these jerseys is going to be passed on to me in the form of an enforcement ticket? No? Oh.

    It's not a cash grab. It's options. No one forces it on you. No one makes you buy it. The people that do buy it obviously like it. If it puts an extra buck in the leagues pocket so what

    of course it's a cash grab, every time they come up with a new jersey it's a cash grab. Did they need to do new jerseys a couple years ago? No but they can sell more if there's a new style. It's kind of hard to sell a retro jersey from a short time ago so they're going with this crap. I am just sick and tired of seeing ugly jerseys. The ones we wear now are gross, these ones seem like they'll be even grosser. 


    Stop giving us crap for a jersey and I bet you grab more cash out of it. 


    Hammys new uni looks nice http://cfl.ca/photo_gallery/gallery/13249

    Nicest ones I've seen so far.

  10. Yeah the oatmeal porter was a mill st. thing, was real good, I always pass over that stuff when I'm wandering through the liquor store, maybe I'll have to actually pick some up some time. Never seen Hop City but I will keep an eye out. There's a few well stocked beer coolers in a couple liquor stores nearby. 

    They usually have some cold Mill Street ones at the Old Dakota vendor, can't remember what they call the place now. I like the Organic and the Ale, nice beer but not cheap. The wife actually like the Coffee Porter and she hates beer.




    Is this in reference to Ameet Pall?



    Is this about players who were dropped from our neg list because they refused to sign here?


    Nah, just the way we were treated by the league. Especially comments by Marcel Desjardins. I want my pound of flesh. Revenge is a dish best served cold.


    Revenge is a dish best served over months and years with the gnashing of teeth and wails of lamentation.



    Anyone who says NBA officials are better than CFL officials doesn't follow the NBA at all. 


    1) The League/BoG/Rules Committee instructs the officials how they want the rules interpreted. And how they want the rules interpreted doesn't always correspond with how fans interpret the rule book. Heck, I doubt the majority of fans have read even part of the rule book.

    2) Players need to be more disciplined. I wish there was some type of breakdown on what type of penalties are being called more often. I wouldn't be surprised if objectionable conduct calls are one of the ones that are way up and if that's the case, then it's on the players, not the officials.

    3) You could show the same play to a group of people and the chances of there being a consensus are pretty low. Someone is always going to complain about a call/non-call. 

    4) Officials don't have the benefit of slow motion replay. I was just looking at that play from the ESF last season and PI may be obvious in slow motion but at game speed it's a lot more difficult to judge.  

    Nothing you've posted addresses the QUALITY of this years officiating. If you're satisfied with it, we have nothing more to discuss.


    There's always room for improvement but that doesn't mean the officiating is as bad as you claim it is. And until you are objective about the officiating, we have nothing more to discuss.


    Sorry the facts are not objective enough for you. 

    From TSN.ca: Last week in the CFL the penalty flags were flying. In total between the four games played there were 110 penalties for 958 yards, which is the third-highest total in the last 20 years. Obviously, that is way too many penalties. It disrupts the flow of the game, extends the length of the game, and is flat out hard to watch.

  13. So apparently the riders have taken to posting billboards around Winnipeg that features what appears to be a post op transsexual modelling a roughriders dress. Apparently they got pretty angry in BC about it.



    Pure genius! They can re-use that one in Toronto! They could do green is the new black for Ottawa AND Hamilton! Wow these guys are on a pure marketing blitzkrieg. I hope they're paying their marketing guys BOATLOADS of cash, cause this is better than NIKE. Look-out Coke!


    Holy crap, you seriously have a hard on for hating this guy... All because he left your beloved stamps?

    .... What's next ha ha go beat your wife? 


    Actually, it's "When did you stop beating your wife.?" Which of course is a logical fallacy. Cheer up iso, I doubt Pall comes here anyway.

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