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Posts posted by TheBlueBastard

  1. This is my 10th Grey Cup and it's taken me years to determine how to get the most out of the weekend.  Luckily you don't have to because the Hoser's Guide to the 103rd Grey Cup has you covered!


    Transportation, team party rankings (and which days are best!), a day by day itinerary for getting the most out of the weekend and instructions on how to get to carry the Cup at the Fan March!


    Did I miss something important?  Discuss.


    It's a wonderful

    time of year

    for a beer!

  2. Hamilton's should definitely be rocking this year.  Last year it was tough for people to get to and stay in Regina.  VanCity can handle the horde much better which should mean better team parties.


    Edmonton still has their breakfast but it's already sold out this year so I didn't mention it.


    I'm having a hard time working today, just wanna get on the plane!

  3. As I started preparing to head out for my 9th consecutive trip to the Grand National Drunk I got to thinking that the Canadian thing to do would be to share the things I have learned over the years about GC weekend.  So I put together this inebriated (but detailed) guide to the 102nd Grey Cup.  I've noted which parties I think will be good, which might not be and how to save a couple bucks on entry.  If you've never been to GC I have laid out the whole weekend from Thursday am right up to the big game (this is my plan for the trip).  There's also a strategy for getting your mitts on the Grey Cup during the Fan March if you've never done that, which you should because it's awesome!



    Anyone else have any good Grey Cup tips?  I'd love to know for this weekend!  Gets better every year I go!


    If you're headed to YVR this weekend I'm easy to spot (that's a real pic on the left).  Say hello and we'll grab a beer.  You can also summon me via twitter @BlueBastardCFL or bluebastardcfl< at >gmail.com.

  4. As much as I despise the green slime I need to derail the inbred hate train.  The title of this thread is all wrong.  I created the infographic in the first post and I'm definitely not a rider fan. I'm not sure how anyone could get that impression after visiting www.bluebastard.ca.  The site header even has a bunch of Bombers on it...


    Second, we can't blame the riders or their fans for any of the 24 years of terrible the Bombers have rained on us.  It's all on the Bombers and their management.  Get angry at them for the Grey Cup drought!


    Third, I don't have too much time on my hands, I just feel the need to express my frustration with this team every time they miss the playoffs which is more often than not. (5/6 past years)

  5. poodle_tiger.jpg

    Above: Hamilton's mascot has recently declared his wish to live life as a poodle.


    Who's with me this Saturday? 


    Those who stick with their team through the hard times are the only ones who get to truly feel the joy of a championship victory, whenever that day comes. The others are soulless fair-weather-fans trying to fill the emotional void left from an empty childhood and a series of bad relationships.


    I call upon all true Blue Bomber fans to rally at Alumni Stadium in Guelph, ON this Saturday at 1pm EST. 


    We're only two games out of playoff spot and we play these *****-CATS two more times in 2013. 


    If you're in Southern Ontario this Saturday you need to get out there. I'll see you in section 106 row 24 (behind the Bomber bench) or at the beer tent on the south side of the stadium.


    Strength in numbers! Hamiltonians can get nasty.



    FYI, a lot of you have been enjoying the weekly rants. Week 8: The Circus Comes to Town is posted: http://www.bluebastard.ca/?p=712

  6. I'll concede that having a QB coach isn't the magic bullet that's going to turn the team around but handling the whole offence is obviously too much for Gary.  QB is currently a revolving door and I think demands someone's full attention.  You can't win in this league with a quarterback who's lost.


    Maybe Buck takes on more of that responsibility now?  Perhaps that's what the team meant when they said he'd be helping Gary out with the offence.

  7. A reader of my blog (@bear_pants) pointed the following out to me this week:


    BC, Sask and Toronto have two things in common: they have a dedicated QB coach and have winning records.  Calgary does not but has Dave Dickenson as their OC (sorta knows about being a QB), they are also winning.  None of these teams have shown struggles at pivot this season, even with their backups!


    Montreal, Winnipeg, Hamilton and Edmonton do not have dedicated QB coaches.  Not only are they losing but their QBs have all looked varying degrees of horrible, especially Winnipeg and Edmonton.


    A more detailed analysis (among other things) is part of my rant this week (http://www.bluebastard.ca/?p=597).


    Why don't we have a QB coach when we are trying to develop two raw players into starters?  Probably money.


    Hopefully Miller and company (whomever that's gonna be) comes to the same conclusion and gets the QBs some help.


  8. a) Yes, I know, it was Mike Kellly's g/f.  Tillman is married...


    c) Tillman wasn't convicted either, he was given a conditional discharge.


    Everyone's neglecting to mention how good Sask was when he was in charge. I had to watch them beat us in the 95th Grey Cup in person.  Only reason he got fired was for that grab.  Yeah the Ricky trade was bone headed but a lot of fans out there were calling for a trade in the years leading up to it.  Ottawa was an expansion team with worse management than the bombers.  In his last 7 years as GM his teams only missed the playoffs once.  He's not the messiah, but he's not a rookie either.  Yeah it's sexy being with a virgin but after a few you realize they really have no idea what they're doing (probably not the best analogy given the context).  Time for someone with recent experience.

  9. At least Tillman doesn't beat his wife (Mike Kelly). I had quite a few words devoted to this very possibility on my blog this week too.  http://www.bluebastard.ca/?p=513


    One comment I got that resonated with me: "We need someone who has experience in owning the league rather than another saviour who claims to have a vision the rest of us cannot abide or even see."
    Personally, I'm tired of the rookie GMs who get promoted into the job. It's time to hire someone who has experience (and not from the 80s either).
    I could care less who's *** Tillman grabs, all I know is that I'm sick of losing and the weekly expectations that come with it. Let's get him in the office over the bye week.
  10. You're probably right about Labour Day.  I've never had the privilege of going then.  I haven't seen much going on there for regular games though.  Hopefully they bring some of their new found energy in Guelph back home with them to their new digs.


    Same pants I'm wearing in my avatar to the left.  Yes, I understand I make myself an easy target but it's all part of game day and I expect it.

  11. 1017264_591172270923719_739600087_n.jpg


    There were a few of us Bomber fans out on Saturday but I'd say less than the exhibition game. Anyone from the forum make it out? If so what did you think? I'm gathering thoughts and opinions so I can rank the league's venues on my blog. IGF is definitely #1 based on my experiences.


    The fans were really rough (on blue and gold jerseys) early on but it got better once they were seated. Always tough visiting the enemy but the blue collar Hamilton fans can be quite aggressive.


    If you thought old CanadInns was bad at least you didn't have to wait in line to use a dirty porta-pot. There's also only one place to buy beer on each side of the stadium. You can get Canadian, Coors or Keystone light for $9 each (just under a pint). I guess that's a buck cheaper than domestic at IGF. It has a great tail gate atmosphere though which is something Ivor Wynne stadium never had. The staff are also really awesome and actually treat you like a human. Oh, plus they let you buy two beers a trip...


    My thoughts (rant) on the game and the stadium /w some pics: http://www.bluebastard.ca/?p=293 (warning: insults from Hamiltonians quoted verbatim).


    I'm hoping I can do a full review of it later so those living in MB can see just how good they have it.


    Go Blue!
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