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Everything posted by captaincanuck12

  1. Don't laugh. First confirmed case in Manitoba today. Head to your local Costco and stock up on TP!!!!!
  2. This definitely favors us. KFC makes it 3-2!
  3. This game eerily similar to the last one against Edmonton. Hopefully we get the needed 2 pts tonight. 20 mins to go.
  4. There we go. Evened up. Now get the go ahead!
  5. Omg Hellebyuck...stop playing the puck . Totally avoidable.
  6. Attaboy pools! Now it's a game reset! Keep up the pressure
  7. Oh FFS. Wake the hell up Jets. Ehlers just watches the coyote come into the zone. No challenge. 2-0. I wish commentators would stop finding positives and call the sloppy play for what it is. Pathetic pp too .
  8. The 4 Jets standing around watching schmaltz carry the puck would classify as ugly play
  9. Agree 100%. The positive here is that the games in hand for the other teams is disappering and they haven't made much progress against the Jets. So we're well within striking distance. And now that Lowry is back in the line up, I think he'll give this team a much needed boost in physicality. That game against the Knights was awesome. I wanna seem them dominate the Yotes tonight.
  10. Realistically... out of the next 14 games... how many wins do we think the Jets need to lock in a playoff spot. Honestly I think we need to get 20 points. We cannot afford to lose many more games.
  11. Our pp is so useless. And why the hell is wheeler forcing passes thru the middle.
  12. Thanks Kulikov for a ridiculous penalty leading to yet another pp goal for EDM. Keep playing that way in a contract year. Russian Marc Stuart.
  13. What a train wreck this team is. Playoffs are a pipe dream. Is it next year time yet?
  14. Losing to the sabres. Ugh everytime I get excited about this team making a run they disappoint in spectacular fashion. 2 more losses coming up against Washington
  15. Hoping we beat Philly and Buffalo and split Washington. Wonder if any additional reinforcements are on the way. Great to see Scheifele get back on the score sheet with a hatty.
  16. Just no puck luck. Connor snake bitten. Ugh! Good effort but we need to start getting some points . Coming down to the wire.
  17. The pp has accounted for 1/2 our shots. Why can't we get 5 on 5 shots?
  18. And that's all she wrote. That's a terrible showing given all the energy in the building.
  19. So frustrating. Pionk takes a shot with nobody in front of the net. Just wait an extra second or two. Jets seem to want to score on the perfect shot. The compete level is there. But we're not getting any puck luck . At the rate this is going this might be 1 for the L column.
  20. No momentum from our pp. And 2 shot from NYR pp and it's 2-0. The pp is sinking this team. Got to dig in boys.
  21. Copper!!!! Huge goal! Pp clicks too. Now hold the lead fellas!!! Go Jets Go!
  22. 2 goals in 2 games. He could be heating up too . Beaulieu in another scrap.
  23. Jets look tired. Dug themselves a nice hole too. Still 40 mins of hockey but they need to fly out of the gate .
  24. Strike first and early. First shot of the game. Really sloppy play.
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