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Everything posted by captaincanuck12

  1. What's more worrying is that there's no offensive power in 2 out of the last 4 games. The next 3 are against the Leafs. I dislike the Leafs but you cannot fall asleep on them.
  2. Brossy just let in a softie. 5-0. I don't know how Maurice can justify leaving Beaulieu on the ice. He's -4 tonight and that's legitimate terrible positioning.
  3. Down 3-0. Wake the hell up. No pressure. 3 shots in the 2nd. Just awful. And Gallagher wide open infront of the net. 4-0. Wtf.
  4. Redemption for PLD. He struggled with the puck tonight including a couple giveaways. 2 pts in the bank and MTL again on Saturday.
  5. Well that was an awful period. The pp goal against and the Jets stopped skating. Now tied going into the 3rd. They better wake up.
  6. Perry that shithead a couple pot shots on Bucky.
  7. Woo. No back to back losses again. We leapfrog Edmonton for 2nd place with 2 games in hand. Next up Montreal.
  8. Fair enough. I'm not trying imply I'm one of those guys that want him gone. He's winning. If that means Schiefele is on the 4th line then that's what we'll get.
  9. Apple's draws first blood. Much better start. Ehlers lucky that turnover didn't lead to a goal against. And of course Van gets a good bounce to tie the game.
  10. Mind thinking faster than my typing. In my head it made sense. I'll clarify that Maurice can seemingly do anything and his job is safe while they keep winning
  11. I wonder what it's going to take for Maurice to get fired at this point. The Jets are winning. I'm not advocating for Maurice's dismissal, just pointing out that the Winnipeg brass appears quite content to keep Maurice especially since we are winning only only 1 pt out of second place. The defence pairings will stay the same as long as the starters are healthy and we're in the playoff hunt.
  12. 12 shots in two periods is flat.out pathetic. After that Montreal game on Saturday I knew we were in for this dud. Just play for tomorrow I guess. Vancouver is nothing special but tonight they got all the bounces.
  13. How do we keep giving up these lame duck goals. Constantly playing from behind cannot be a successful plan. Cuz the refs need to ease on the whistles. And of course the bs call on Pionk leads to another goal against. 3-0 .
  14. A win with less than 20 shots. Wow. 4 game winning streak!
  15. I'm really worried we've only got 16 shots on net. Compared to the 32 against. Jets don't look nearly as sharp as they should.
  16. Jets were bad first period then turned it on. PLD rounding into form. Healthy Wheeler. Would like to see Heinola more but Niku was great on that second Connor goal and had a good night. We just need some consistency. 3 game win streak is nice!
  17. What a blast by Pionk. 3-2 Jets! And now another pp for Vancouver... *Sigh* Well made it to OT. Let's get the 2 pts
  18. Schiefele ties it. And we follow up by taking a penalty. Ugh
  19. Why are the Jets so atrocious handling the puck in their end? So many of these stupid ticky tack plays to clear the zone. Puck handling just isn't there. I'm glad they got the goal...but sheesh. 20 mins left. Clean it up fellas.
  20. Jets are lucky to only be down 2. These slow starts are just going to kill them.
  21. The hockey stick logo was awesome. They should bring that back.
  22. That horrible start is what cost us. Playing from behind the whole game. Not sure we'll come back from it.
  23. WTF? 2 shots 2 goals. Someone tell the Jets the game has started!
  24. At least Wheeler scored but the defensive zone play is an absolute mess. It's like they are scared to challenge McDavid when he has the puck.
  25. Ffs!!!!! Why the **** can we not hold a lead
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