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Posts posted by SmokinBlue

  1. I dunno, first couple games we tried plenty through the tackles, but Simpson wasn't making anybody miss, so the last couple games he has ran outside more, but he seems to not cut in when it's smart to cut in, instead chooses to keep running out even when he doesn't have the angle. Simpson just needs to make smarter decisions, but do it off instincts, not by over thinking.

  2. for a hole but Simpson chose to go outside


    Simpson is like night and day this year compared to last year, and I'm pretty sure the reason he was so emotional in his interview after last game is he likely just finished getting a lecture from his coach about shaping up or shipping out. Having said that, I expect a big game out of him next week, he'll be motivated now more than ever.

  3. How BUCK didn't obliterate that piece of **** defense is beyond me. Hamilton, Edmonton and Montreal are good reminders that while times suck right now, it could ALWAYS be worse.



    Crowton can't obliterate Hamilton's defense, the QB gets the ball on every play, not the OC. Was a thing of beauty watching durant in the pocket, all composed and ****, looking off receivers looking past his first read. Beautiful.


    Too bad we'll never see that within the next couple of years.

  4. Time to relieve him of his returner duties and let him focus on the Defensive side of the ball.



    If he's lost a step, he's lost a step, no point keeping him on returns or on defense. When a player loses a step as badly as Jovon they become a liability. Why is it so god damn hard for this team to realize when a veteran player declines in play and get them the hell out of here. It shouldn't be nearly this hard! We supposedly have professional coaches and a professional GM doing evaluations, how thick are their skulls they can't figure out when players can no longer play.

  5. I think we talk about the coaching staff more than mgmt. at this point because there is a concern in Crowton's packages. This however, is skewed because of packages for Buck. Let's see what Crowton can do with other QBs.

    What is worrisome is the lack of overall professionalism of this team, the focus, and the discipline.


    Other observations.


    Demond Washington is a keeper.

    Take Will Ford off of returns...unless you want safe 7 to 15 yds. per. agree, brutal returner

    Most embarrassing play? Allowing R Ray to run 18 yes for a TD.

    What? Simpson fumbles again? some pretty lousy running too


    Still puzzling....the need to throw for 8-10 yds. and the play calling to throw for 0-5 yds. - aggravating to throw to a guy 4 yards behidn the first down marker when he has 3 defenders sitting there waiting to tackle him

    Also, why did we abandon those quick passes so quickly?


    Lots of good plays from the NI receiving corps. - Agree, NI receivers + Denmark were our best players on the field

    Heads up to Denmark for a comeback game. - Agree he seemed to have some extra energy

    Catch of the game to R. Kohlert

  6. He was not better than Buck yesterday.

    Nobody cares if he's better or not in the immediate future, we're all thinking  15-16 games down the road here. I can tell already you'd be a brutal chess player. Actually, even without a long term look at it, Goltz is 1000x times athlete, and I'd say at bare minimum he played just as well or better than Buck last game.




    Also all this makes me wonder, who is paying Burke and how much are they paying him to screw us over?

  7. He keeps getting beat down the seam, taking outside leverage on a guy and looking for help inside.  Guess what, get inside position and the sideline is your help outside!  Everyone has picked on him so far.  He's our worst DB hands down.

    It's nothing to do with how he's playing guys, he's just slow and doesn't physically have what it takes to play at this level anymore,  Period.


    a change of scenery would probably do him well


    Much like Buck, a change of scenery would do him nothing, because he's no longer got what it  takes to be a prof football player.

  8. How many times a season do you actually see a running back get 20 carries in the CFL?  Cornish led the league in carries by a fair margin and only averaged 14 carries per game.



    Hence why I phrased my last reply like this, "this stupid so called magic number of 20 runs or touches"

  9. He's not getting this stupid so called magic number of 20 runs or touches because our pathetic offense isn't getting first downs. As it is he's seing the majority of the ball and he's not doing enough with the touches he is seeing. We give him the ball any more and he'll be the only one touching it, hence my OBVIOUS sarcasm in the last post.

  10. yeah and Elliott looked like garbage in that second last game of the year last year in Hamilton too.  We can do this all day.  You're not going to win, because in the end, Buck and Elliott are both no good.

    He has already won, whether or not you realize it is irrelevant.

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