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Posts posted by AKAChip

  1. There probably would be a revolt due to Pierce's apparent popularity and the general consensus in the city that Mack is an idiot and such but that doesn't mean it would be justified. Under the assumption that Tate and Buck are both equally injury prone, we are still no doubt better off with Tate as at this point in his career he is a far superior QB.

  2. From my point of view Harris was solid. The thing that I like the most about this though is that unlike LaPolice, Burke isn't afraid to make subtle changes and give more players a chance to contribute. Of course, too much tinkering of a great defense isn't a good thing but the DI end doesn't make too huge of a difference and it will be nice to see how he contributes. I do know that in the last few years it would take forever for a guy to get pulled or for a new guy to get a chance and it would frustrate me to no end.

  3. You're right, it's completely subjective and there's a good chance I've forgotten 1 or 2 "great" returns in the last few years. The main point I'm trying to make is that all else being equal, Demond Washington is a far superior returner than Jovon Johnson, especially at this point in their careers. I recognize that Demond has had difficulties holding onto the ball at times and Jovon, while not very effective at getting the ball upfield, has historically had more success with ball security. If Jovon continues to put the ball on the turf, there is absolutely no reason to keep him there over Demond.


    Even beyond that, one or two "great" returns per-year is not very good no matter who you are.

  4. That's true, but they are really only going to be able to take one NI who has considerable value. If they end up taking Labbe or Steve Morley in the second NI round, who cares? We're going to lose our 7th or 8th best NI as well as one back-up, ST guy or a marginal starter like Morley. It sucks, but it's better than the last expansion draft where Ottawa had the option to take the teams second round pick of that year instead.

  5. Using that logic Washington would be long gone after the Edmonton game last year.


    This frustrates me to no end. Washington had fumble problems last year. So did Chad Owens. Washington proved last year that he was capable of breaking big returns as well which is something we've been looking for for a very, very long time. Jovon hasn't had a great return since that BC game two years ago and even his most staunch supporters can't say that he's not slow at this point in time,

  6. There's a pretty significant difference between a "great" game on defense and a "not-bad" game on defense. He held his man to limited catches in the last two games and by the numbers played well. He also had two PIs and despite the ball not getting to his man, was getting beat not irregularly. I can't help but think that his play was buoyed by incredible pass rush and Calvillo not having enough time to get to London or not using London as an outlet or checkdown because he's usually the deep guy.


    The bottom line about the Jovon situation to me is that Sears can do his job much, much better at this point in their careers.

  7. I know this is sort of weird timing for this but I would love to hear everyone's input of who to protect in the expansion draft. Of course things will change from now until the end of the season and things like Matthews' NFL interest and mid-season signings could change things but using the rules of protecting one QB, 10 imports and 5 non-imports this is what I would do at this point. If bluto or any other team's fans want to pitch their thoughts on their own team, I'd love to hear them.


    First of all, I would like to say that i would prefer to not protect a QB at all since I think there is no way any of ours get taken with the other available options out there like Nicholls, Willy, Glenn, Mitchell etc available. I do know, that I'd be really furious if we protected Buck for a number of reasons so I would protect Goltz. He's a guy we've been grooming for a few years now and to lose him in a situation like this would just feel like a giant waste.


    My 10 other imports would be these:













    I'm leaving JJ and Edwards unprotected because Edwards appears to be on his last legs and although he probably has a two or so good years left, the pipeline is rather impressive and if he is selected, we get to keep other guys who I would also prefer to keep in Gilmore, Z Anderson, I Anderson, Dunn and D. Pierce. JJ is pretty self-explanatory and I'd rather just leave it at the fact that the other 10 guys on this list are more valuable than him. If Matthews ends up getting an NFL look after the season, I'd slide Dunn into his spot since I still don't think Anderson and Gilmore get selected but at least if one of them were taken, we'd still have the other one to fill in. SAM is clearly a tougher spot to fill. I am not in complete love with January either but he's very solid and LT is a tough position to play.


    If this ends up being the situation, I expect Edwards to be Ottawa's selection but JJ, Denmark or GIlmore are also options.


    The NI six is a much harder grouping to fill but for the first round, I would do it as follows:


    H Muamba

    C Muamba







    That last spot is the toughest for me as Kohlert, Etienne or Poblah are also options but the risk of losing Pencer and his long-term potential of a possible ratio-breaking T is too much to pass up than risking Ottawa taking one of our receievers in which we would still have two of anyway. I worry that they take Palardy in this scenario as well which would really suck since he has been incredibly solid for us and the two extra NIs in the next round to protect is hardly worth it but I just think the six I have protected here are more valuable.


    If this were the situation, I would expect Ottawa to take Poblah or Palardy but I wouldn't be surprised if they took Kohlert, Etienne or even Jake Thomas or Renaud depending on their other picks and other players available.


    I'm going to be wishful and say that they take Poblah and thus my next six NIs to protect are:









    That last spot was tough in terms of excluding Woodson for Sorenson or Renaud but Woodson just hasn't proven enough and Sorenson has been surprisingly decent for us at C while even though we have Pav to potentially replace Renaud down the line, he's been quite good in two games so far (other than in terms of pinning in the coffin corner) and I'd still rather have him around.


    Of course this is just one guy's opinion but I feel like it makes for good discussion and banter.

  8. If there was a "love" option for Mr. Perfect's post, I would most certainly click on it.


    Here's the last thing I will say on this matter for a long time. Sears is probably back this week and I know in a lot of people's opinion he was our strongest cover man last year. The guy is dynamite but why risk putting him into a position (SAM) where he has no experience and the current guy there is doing a more than servicable job. The question becomes, where do we play this guy? He has to fit in somewhere. I know that the D has been lights out for two games but I still think for now AND down the line, Sears should replace the weakest link on the defense as of this very moment and that is Jovon Johnson.

  9. The price would probably be too high to be worth it since Glenn is historically garbage every other year so he's due for a down year. I personally hated Glenn when he was here and still thought he has been horrendously overrated every season since and he is still soft as butter.


    That being said, I would consider making a deal involving Poblah + a mid round pick for Glenn. Kohlert and Etienne have shown me enough as of now.

  10. the question is... can Goltz provide at least an average QB'ing ?


    We can go back and forth about this forever probably but the other side of this argument is, can Buck?


    I suppose the question has to be decided whether we mean average, or league average. It's quite clear that in terms of the CFL, Buck is far and away the worst starting QB. He has had some average games, a few above average games and multiple below-average games but I suppose these vague classifications are upto the individual evaluating them.


    Other than that, I suppose my argument is that even if Goltz turns out to be awful down the line, as of now he has more upside than Buck because let's be honest, Buck isn't getting any better. He will have some better games than other but he's not going to suddenly become a game-breaking passer at age 32. I mean it's a moot point for the most part because I doubt it happens but I still don't think that Goltz would cost us any more games than Buck would, and it also gives us a look at what we potentially have down the line.

  11. Our defence was very good but we have to consider that Montreal seems to be heading to self-destruct mode...  in the last two minutes, it sure seemed like Calvillo called his own plays and it worked - all too well.  I think it will be a mess in Mtl with Calvillo forcing himself to listen to newbies all season long...


    That being said, Anderson is a monster (possibly better than Gilmore), Parker has shown way better than I thought, Washington is excellent and Dunn I am not convinced.  He ends up with some big plays but to be honest, he is not all that involved.


    JJ had a strong game I thought, same with BStew and Suber, Henoc was huge as usual...


    Difference makes:

    1. Anderson

    2. Henoc

    3. Suber


    I think you're being a little unfair to Dunn. I understand that the people, including myself, that are heaping him with praise are looking at him subjectively since he looked poor in the pre-season and is still in his first couple of games in his career at a strange position but even then, not a single person looked this good at SAM last year. I don't think any DB looked incredibly involved because Calvillo only got 28 balls off and looked all around the field, but even exluding the pick (which was a great play) his coverage was real tight and I only remember one play in which a catch was made on him and it was made in front of him and he limited it to a short gain, I figure he will only get better and it will allow us to play Sears in a more natural CB position where he is a premier player.


    Plus he just looks like more of a SAM than Sears. He is THICK.

  12. It's clear that as of today, Goltz isn't ready but part of my thinking is, in an alternate universe where Buck were the unseasoned QB and was forced into action these last two games, would any of you say that his performance indicated that he himself were ready?


    I'm not saying that Goltz should necessarily start over Buck today as it would be an incredibly bold move but if one of the main concerns about Goltz is being green and possibly turning the ball over, it's not as if Buck has been a picture of ball security. Could Goltz turn it over more than 5 times himself in two games? Perhaps, but I would be willing to give it a shot since we have have won in spite of our QB play thus far. In fact, after yesterday's game, I am frustrated beyond belief that we let the first game get away.

  13. The people who dislike Buck dislike him for a reason. I don't want to resent him but 4 years of subpar QB play will do that to a person. Are there really people here that feel good about just barely getting by and putting an incredible defence to waste? Buck was at one point in his career an average QB who was effective mostly because of the threat of his mobility. As of now, there he has shown minimal mobility and his throwing has been erratic at best. Occasionally hitting an open receiver and making routine throws does NOT indicate even average QB play.

  14. I'd take Edem as backup to Cauchy, Labbe or Dunn...  At the very least, over James `Green...


    Hey, I very much agree but James Green is clearly an emergency ST replacement for Stephan who is also a very different player to Edem. And I highly doubt Edem could back up MLB but that's another story.

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