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Posts posted by AKAChip

  1. Perhaps people should re evaluate the system. This is reminiscent of Mike Kelly burning through a stable of QBs with similar results and then trying to make Bishop into a pocket passer. Clearly not one of Bishop's assets and another failure. That group of QBs said Payton Manning would have failed in that situation. The difference being he would not have stood for it and people would have listened.

    I'm not forgiving the coaching staff, even if the offense has seemed more imaginative than in years past but look at it this way, is Buck even effective when he's flushed out of the pocket anymore? He's been flushed out many times and has maybe made one play (the pass to Kohlert, which was a terrible throw to a wide open man). He's not as mobile as he once was and he's abhorrently inaccurate while stationary, let alone while on the run,

  2. I thought the same thing reading this article and since she is new, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt but that being said, I really don't like when articles in the Free Press paint a very skewed picture of what's going on making casual fans think some pretty messed up crap.

  3. I don't know if I know much more or less than any of you guys but I'm not the one making a bunch of emotional knee jerk reactions and spouting off a bunch of exaggerations. Frankly I think most of you would do well to take a Midol. 


    Here's the issue though. I know for a fact that multiple people on this board and myself (before I joined) have been tired of Buck's play for a few years now. It's hardly a knee-jerk reaction. Was this even worse than usual? Yes it certainly was, but it doesn't mean that he's usually much better than this. The receivers may not have been open every play, but intermediate routes were open quite a bit and Buck was firing balls 5 feet over their heads! Secondly, when Buck has 6 seconds or so to throw the ball and gets sacked, it's inexcusable. Throw the damn ball away!

  4. JJ is worth less than nothing to us at this point and Kito I suppose would sorta suck to lose but Kohlert and Etienne have already proven to be more reliable anyways and having two quality NI starters and one quality back-up is enough for me.


    Meanwhile, back-up QBs may be a dime a dozen but up until this year Reilly was essentially a back-up QB who looked good in pre-season and decent in game action. Collaros and Harris both looked real good in two pre-seasons and not out of place in minimal game experience. It's not like they are complete unknowns.

  5. I've thought about this a lot for a very long time. I've never seen a QB with a longer leash than Buck even when he struggled in years past. He's never been benched for poor play and rarely if ever been pulled when ineffective. It makes me believe that there is more to this than meets the eye. Burke has no problem calling people out for poor performance and even cut Hefney, who while not perfect was clearly better at his position than Buck is at his. Are we all missing something here, or is it an elaborate conspiracy?

  6. Where Buck stunk was his overthrows.

    But most of the sacks, HAM was almost instantly upon him, one Morely got beat as bad as an O-lineman can get. Backup QB is always tantalizing when things are going bad but Goltz just doesnt make that stuff instantly go away.


    This is crap. The O-line wasn't incredible but they were giving Buck more than enough time to throw the ball. Any other QB gets 3 balls off in the amount of time Buck was taking before he got sacked. I can't think of more then one sack that wasn't entirely his fault.

  7. Buck is a big problem, but not the only problem. I have never seen a group of receivers look so ragged as they approach the line. The whole offence is way out of sync. Poorly prepared?


    The receivers didn't play well tonight but I am willing to give them a pass because a) they usually bail Pierce out more than he deserves and b ) how would you feel if almost every ball you got was either overthrown horribly, or put in a place where you would be killed if you held on?

  8. This game made me physically sick, Last year, we sucked and we deserved to suck. Each facet of the team was brutal and Buck was still bad when he played but when he didn't, we were at least grooming QBs to replace him.


    Now, he's bogging down a team with a great, athletic D and to make matters worse, he is playing boring football. It's painful to watch and a waste of everyone's time.

  9. on point one, it wouldn't surprise me, that's what happened when montreal wanted to stop pierce. send pressure he is useless. 


    as for Etienne shouldn't be that much of a surprise, pierce has always used the SBs more effectively than the WRs. 


    It's true, but it's mostly because he can't make throws to the sideline. He either airmails them or puts 'em in the dirt.


    Also, he sucks.

  10. Pierce, when healthy, is a better QB than Glenn.  That's why even with the success Glenn has had, teams can't wait to get rid of him or relegate him to a backup role.  Meanwhile Pierce can barely stay healthy two weeks in a row and has been a starter since his second year in the league.


    Yes, but Pierce has only been a starter the last 3 years of his career due to having no other viable options combined with incredible stubbornness on the part of a few coaching staffs. He has hardly earned that right.

  11. I sorta hate all the other CFL teams equally but by no fault of their own, I hate the Argos a little bit more. At this point, the Riders are a Western team and it will always be better for us when they beat Eastern teams so it's no contest anyway.


    I am under the impression that Black and Forde are back together this week for whatever reason and they are doing the game tonight which sucks since it probably means they also do our game. I was kinda hoping they'd keep it as Cuthbert's team staying east and Black staying West but I guess that was wishful thinking.

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