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Posts posted by Noeller

  1.  that's not at all what I got from the piece about Mack. I got that he was convinced he could recruit better players down south than he'd find up north, cast off from other teams. I don't think I realized just how little he thought of Canadian football, and maybe he thought he could just take an American approach to this game because somehow US football is better than Canadian football, period. Damn shame.

  2. I'm a huge fan of that article Wiecek did with Walters. Really sounds like the Bombers are on the right track. I will never fault Mack for how he did things, but I'm not opposed to doing things the "normal" CFL way for the time being. Getting back to being even an AVERAGE team would be a step up at this point...

  3. Bishop is a moron and one of the most overrated QBs to ever play our game. The only season where he "was in a good situation" is the season where the defense carried him the entire way. He just barely did enough to not completely **** up and cost them everything. Good lord, I don't care how little you think of Buck Pierce, you've gotta think this was a far better situation...

  4. the whole "weak arm" thing is patently absurd, and gets debated in these spaces all the time by people who clearly don't know what they're talking about. Scouts are never going to bring a guy to a TC (never mind the coaches actually putting them on the team...) if his arm is too weak to play pro football. Hell, if you made it through a NCAA program, then you've got enough of an arm.

  5. Well, it's not like we have to bring someone in just for the sake of bringing someone in. If you find the right guy, then by all means go get him. But don't bring in a guy like Porter, just 'cause you think you have to bring in any warm body. I'm fine running with what we have unless you find the exact guy you're looking for.

  6. There's more to the future than Wins right now. Development might take awhile, but if losses now means more wins down the road, then so be it. Now, I'm not as harshly against Buck as some around here, but I'm willing to commit to one of the  young'ns if the coaching staff believes there's a real future there. #WhateverItTakes



    How's KBF & Mike this morning.....I have to admit that last nights game had some of the finest, and friendly, ladies I've seen in awhile. I think everyone had a good 'glow' going considering the state of the team.


    back in Kelowna now....



    I was absolutely liquored.




    Stone cold sober, over here......cough.

  8. And I agree with 'em. It's the right thing to do for now. Lord knows that, like most of you, I've never been a big fan of MB, but at this point it's nice (reassuring?) to have someone with experience in the league. A little too much with the NFL minds trying to convert their way of thinking to the CFL game, instead of just doing things the CFL way right from the outset.

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