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Posts posted by James

  1. why isn't he? Guy ran a fine offense in Hamilton with Kevin Glenn and a bunch of spare parts at receiver. He was basically the OC when he first got to Winnipeg as well if I remember right. The guy knows his business when it comes to offense in the CFL.


    I just don't think that after one year of being an OC he would be ready to turn this mess around. He didn't develop the schemes/plays while he was here, he just called them.


    Don't get me wrong though, I think he'd be an improvement over Crowton, I just want someone more established to be OC here. I think we need someone who has a lot of experience and has a proven track record to turn this mess around.


    If a guy like Lapolice cant turn our Offense around, who ran a fine offence in Sask, why would Khari be able too?


    If we had hired an offensive head Coach, like Dave Dickenson, or Doug Berry, Someone he could bounce Ideas off of, I certainly would be more comfortable hiring Khari as OC.

  2. I don't know that Khari Jones is ready to be an OC here. It'll really take a brilliant offensive mind to turn this offence around. Somebody like Cortez or Dave Dickenson. Who knows, Maybe Dave will want to come join his brother lol


    Id love to have Khari as QB coach though. To hell with Pierce I say. I don't necessarily want to get rid of Burke and Creehan.


    I think Joe Mack really needs to focus on the offensive line, that's where it all starts. When developing a QB, It would be wise to try and get a top tier O-line.



    If he cant necessarily make a trade for one, try Swiston or Pencer at Guard and Douglas at T. Aren't we just hiding Douglas on the IR? I really don't remember him being as bad as Boatmen.

  3. It sucks having such a poor team but it sucks even more that everyone knows how to fix it but it's just not happening.


    We've all been saying it for years now.  A QB, a couple good OL, and an experienced OC.  Over the last few years, we've seen Ray, Burris, and Glenn change teams.  We've seen Saskatchewan, Calgary, and Toronto completely rebuild their offensive lines.  We've seen Saskatchewan pick up George Cortez to fix their offence, and Toronto get Scott Milanovich for theirs.


    How come the Bombers have not made a single big move to fix their glaring weaknesses when everyone and their dog recognizes what those weaknesses are?  Why such a lack of action?  In 2010 we started building with a mandate to build through the draft and establish continuity.  Well we've certainly done that, and all it has given us is losses.


    I'll never stop being a fan (unless they hire Tillman), but it's just so disheartening.


    I have to say, if they hired Tillman Id have to switch over to Calgary or the Lions.

  4. Do you guys think Dickenson would leave his sweet position as OC in Calgary when he is from there, to inherit this mess only to get fired in a few years like so many before him? Im not so sure he would.


    Although like the rest of you Id love to have him. Wouldn't mind having Dickenson as HC and Berry as OC assistant HC. We need two offensive juggernauts to turn this offence around! 


    Not sure who Id want for Defence. I wouldn't mind Burke and Creehan sticking around for defensive roles, but I don't think they would be willing to take demotions. their defence isnt all that **** hot anyway, so losing them wouldn't be all that bad.


    Not sure who Id want for GM.... Higgins, Forde's starting to look better and better as well.

  5. Ray being 19 of 20 is ridiculous... I really thought we had a strong secondary.... hope I'm not wrong about that, though I am starting to have my doubts.


    We need to get Woods on the field IMO. 


    I hope Goltz is now our number 1. Looks better, and is actually mobile, not fake mobile like Buck. I cant stand it when ppl talk about how Buck is so dangerous with his feet and needs to be let loose, because he is about as mobile as Kevin Glenn. Maybe even less.


    We need to do something about the O-line as well. 


    Find a real WLB. If Marty Bowman is ever healthy we should make a deal for Jamal Johnson. I've wanted that guy on my team for years!


    Wouldn't mind putting Sears at boundary Corner in place of Jovon once Dunn is healthy. But I got a feeling Jovon is the buck pierce of the defence in regards to Burke playing him because he likes him.

  6. Good offenses keep defenses off balance.  You need to have strong run formations, you need to run from them and show you can pass from them too.  You need strong pass formations, you need to show you can run from them too.  Our offence right now is very predictable, any playaction or read plays we use are slow developing at 5 yards depth in our backfield, really just bogging down our offence and not fooling anyone.  Do the basics well and mix it up.

    couldn't agree more! its frustrating to watch our offensive schemes.... 

  7. Just because a guy is big and can block doesn't mean he can run like Sellers did.



    I didnt say he could run. I was talking about using him in blocking schemes. put Swiston in to seal off the edge and have Pontbriand lead block the first LBer. If we had Watson for the game we could really do some damage outside with Will Ford.


    After you do that a few times you can run a counter/misdirection play to the weak side and potentially gain huge yards off that play. There are many other options you can run out of this formation(just gave one example) yet we choose to not use it. I find it very annoying.

  8. The original point was more toward being frustrated that we didn't have a scheme involving both runningbacks and exploiting defenses with the two different style runners. Not so much disappointment that we didn't use Woods right in the first week.


    And if we're going to continue to not use both our guys, than we might as well use Woods to see if we can generate some points else ware because our offence stinks to high heaven.


    Id like to see what Woods can do in a game with his type of speed and explosion if we're going to only use Ford on two occasions a game.  With his type of speed, we can use him on the Receiver reverse thing we use with Denmark and he would be even more effective because he is faster. He's got Chris Williams speed.

  9. Yeah but as a returner you dont really need to learn a whole lot, other than there's no fair catch, and the rouge.


    Actually, looking at him (as more of a long term Project) he looks like he'd make a sick RB. He's very well built for the position, Strong enough for pass blocking, Sick speed for running outside. And he'd obviously be very good at catching the ball out of the backfield.


    Here's a good vid



  10. Ill get right too it. What is the point on having a DI RB if we're not going to scheme a running game to exploit defenses with the two very good, and very different runningbacks we have?


    I think it would be much more beneficial to DI a great returner for a couple of reasons.


    1) We're not using Ford anyway(which I consider very stupid)


    2) Our defence is always on the bloody field, so we need Jovon and Washington to have all the breaks they can get. Covering recievers is no easy task cardio wise. Plus, if they have more energy, they may be able to break on the ball better, creating turnovers and possibly more points, and since our offence cant generate any points this would be very much needed.


    3) A guy like Woods would have had huge returns on those missed field goals


    4) A great returner could generate some much needed points for us


    If we're not going to scheme a great Running game, which we should be, because Our QB cant pass the ball accurately or consistantly, we need to DI a returner. Mr. Woods has some pretty big time speed and can be used in the offense as well.

  11. Denmark is more likely to be off the team rather than leading the the team. Hes the definition of a mediocre to average player. Anyways, it has to be Matthews due to the fact that Edwards and Denmark aren't productive and Watson will always have injury concerns. 


    Disagree... Denmark's been fairly solid and seems to be improving. He will be a very good receiver in this league, and there will be very little chance he ever goes to the NFL. If he manages to make the jump to Elite, he could be with us for a very long time.

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