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Posts posted by James

  1. If his accuracy wasn't an issue, he wouldn't have overthrown a 6 foot 5 receiver running a crosser 10 feet in front of him as he did against BC. Accuracy, and lame ducks in most contexts, are different things. Goltz doesn't typically throw ducks, his ball placement is just incredibly poor because of his mechanics.

    Yet you support pierce who's even worse? Your contradicting yourself... Hall will be a "turnover machine" in the very near future. Goltz is our best option moving forward

  2. For me the issue is coaching, offensive line, quarterbacking. Most of the players at our skill positions are serviceable, but could be upgraded on. Defence I think has some terrible zone scheming that has our players looking way worse then they are in the back end. Although, I don't doubt some of our guys in the secondary could be upgraded upon as well as receiver and RB.

  3. I like most of your suggestions. Only like to add that if a head coach is kept  on after being fired from that position it would probably create divisions in the team from players that are "his guys" so it's better he goes. That being said, it's too bad as Burke is 5 times the DC Creehan is. And why is this such a surprise to us seeing the kind of defense the guy ran in Hamilton. He was Burke's buddy so he hired him. You could almost see this coming... What a train wreck.

    I think this is a good example if the talent on our d being pretty good. When he was in Hamilton the defence was beyond terrible... Our players are actually making freehand look like a respectable dc. Not a good one, but a respectable one.... And he isn't. He is a terrible dc

  4. Its getting to the point for me JBR, that I'd cut Cauchy even if it meant pissing off Henoc and losing him to FA.


    And I agree about Matthews. Teams figured him out and now he's completely ineffective. Not to mention when he actually does get open he drops the ball.


    The coverage in our secondary seems lazy and way to soft. Not sure if it is Creehan? Because these guys in 2011 were incredible. 


    Either way, this team needs a complete face lift. Coaching staff and players alike.


    Only guys I'd like to keep around are Watson, Kohlert, Etienne, and the Dline and Linebackers. I like Henoc, Dunn, Parker and Wild... and the Dline has been pretty awesome... Other then that I could care less. Edwards is old now and will probably retire soon, though he is obviously still our best Import... So that's why I didn't include him.


    I used to really like Simpson, But the dude seriously needs to learn when to run low and dip his shoulders, square off to the line and run guys over. That play where Jamal Johnson crushed him he was to busy trying to dance around when he should have just run him over. Its not like he doesn't have the size and strength.

  5. Im not sure whos better between Mainor and Vega right now. But Vega would be a great add for rotational and versatility purposes regardless.


    However, Vega is not some superstar End. He's very inconsistent with Pressure, but very good against the run and containment.


    Mainor's stepped up pretty huge this year. It would be interesting to see who would be the starter.

  6. Yeah if he isn't better at kickoffs... eh.  Just keep them in bounds and I'll be happy.  There were a few that REALLY screwed them over.  And, seeing as we rarely score points, that's a pretty high percentage of screw ups and kills all the momentum we had.  That said, Palardy hasn't been the best kicker either.


    ... I see Parades and I cry a little.


    Not sure why we cut him. Its not like Palardy was a superstar placekicker at the time. He was fairly accurate inside the forty, but he had a supremely weak leg as he does now.

  7. Buck pierce misses just as many terrible throws as Goltz, but at least Goltz can move the ball occasionally. Pierce is the king of two and outs of the entire CFL.

    Goltz is also only 25 and is going to get a lot better. Big mistake taking Goltz out.

    Although I would prefer we just bite the bullet and make a trade for one of the 3 up and comers

  8. Lower QBR by 1.2, stop the presses, immediately put Goltz back at one on the depth chart! There's a good reason after consulting with the coaches that they have Goltz at three after just two weeks starting. They'd seen MORE than enough. How do you miss a 6 foot 5 receiver, completely over throw him on a crossing pattern when he's no more than 10 feet away. The guy is a joke!

    I've seen buck do the same thing a few times this year. And he's supposed to be the vet. At least Goltz is young and has upside. Buck just sucks and has no excuse. THe fact that he is 2 Tds to 5 picks should be enough to tell you he sucks ****

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