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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. On that PI call, the Riders guard nearly tackled the Bombers DL. They called the PI but not the hold.
  2. I think the Stamps make sure not to have too many weekend games with the Riders now as the extra cost of policing & security has increased. It's not worth it.
  3. That fourth quarter TD drive was a thing of beauty. Our OL absolutely CRUSHED the Riders DL. Shut up Jefferson. Totally shut down Hughes & the other 2 Rider DL didn't even count. They were washed totally out.
  4. Lulay looked brutal today. Full marks to the Ti Cats for their win today.
  5. That hit should be a fine but not a suspension based on the Willis hit.
  6. Yeah,**** like that happens at McMahon Stadium whenever the Riders & their fans show up.
  7. I'm not questioning the headshot. What I'm saying is that Bridge put himself at risk by cutting back inside. Jeffcoat will be fined but Bridge put himself at risk as well.
  8. They shut up Jefferson that's for sure. He doubted all 3 were all stars. Then there was Charleston Hughes. Charleston, where are you???? I love Jefferson is done. That POS player is on the outside looking in. Love it.
  9. It was a shot to the head but Bridge did leave the pocket, rolled out wide left & then cut back into the middle into the teeth of the Bomber defense when he threw the ball. Bridge took that shot when he probably shouldn't have cut back inside. Not saying what Jeffcoat did was okay but that is the risk a qb takes when he does that.
  10. Jed Roberts former DT with the Esks remains close to the team. He has said repeatedly that the Reilly era is over in Edmonton.
  11. Jennings with a with TD pass in garbage time. Garbage qb with a garbage TD throw in garbage time. #justgarbage
  12. They took the surface of the field off for that game with the plows. There was very little grass left. Just mud. Remember Mark Bragagnolo's run up the middle for about 80 yards in that game?
  13. Jackson hasn't shown that he's capable of being a successful OC.
  14. Hervey is going to clean house. Getting rid of the stench from this game is going to be done very quickly. Can't see any of the Lions qbs coming back.
  15. I can't see any of the Lions qbs being back next season. They can't play any more awful than they are now. Hervey will clean house in the off season.
  16. It's not a rivalry but a hatred. Anyone who thinks it's all in fun has been living under a rock for years. I could never, ever cheer for the Riders.
  17. That will hurt the Riders DL. If they can't get traction they can't pressure Nichols or stop Harris.
  18. Like players not knowing when to retire, coaches do the same thing.
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