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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Yeah, forgot about Poop. Non factor. He's a Rider now. Don't care about him anymore. Hope he likes watching us play the Stamps next week.
  2. Actually when you think about it, yesterday was revenge for the Riders beating us at Winnipeg Stadium in the 1972 Western Final. We also lost the last time we played the Riders in the playoffs back in 1975 at Taylor Field. So, we took care of some long standing business on Sunday. Mickey Doyle, Don Jonas & the rest of that 72 team would be happy.
  3. No one talks about the fact Bridge was scrambling & on the run. Plus the fact once Bridge left the pocket he rolled to his left ran a few yards forward & then cut back into the middle right into the teeth of our defense. How could they let up not knowing if Bridge was going to keep running or throwing the ball? Yes, it was a blow to the head & under the new rule that is a 15 yard penalty & will probably result in a fine but hopefully not a suspension. But Bridge still put himself into a dangerous situation by cutting back into the middle the way he did.
  4. I keep thinking Ottawa should be the dominant team coming out of the East but they never are.
  5. Welcome to the family. Just make sure you develop a real hatred for those Greenies in Saskatchewan & you'll truly be one of us.
  6. The other thing about living in Regina is they have the Pats. We have the Jets.
  7. No guarantee Bridge can make the adjustment. Sinopoli is a freak. Most guys can't do what he's done.
  8. Plug? Ripper. I'm getting sick of you coming on here putting Nichols down. If you want even an OUNCE of sympathy here for your qbs who took head shots then get off your pulpit, high horse, or whatever you want to call it & quit mocking our starter who ended your season yesterday. Better yet, just take off. We don't need you here. Looks like you need us a lot more. cuz you keep showing up uninvited. Go back to Rider Fans & be with your kind, okay?
  9. I can't stand the guy but that's all I'll say.
  10. Skunk is who we thought he is. I'll let you fill in the description.
  11. He does have a knack... His Presidency is going down...
  12. Suitor & Cuthbert drive me crazy on these challenges. They always seem to question even a straight forward one. Suitor just keeps going on & on. I just wish they'd both shut up.
  13. Just like Hughes, Jefferson's useless stopping the run. All he cares about are his stats. Hope he enjoys his off season.
  14. I'll give the Rider fans who came on here to congratulate us a ton of credit as most wouldn't. That was a classy move on their part.
  15. I remember the Hogs from years ago. The OL back then loved to be called that. We should re-anoint our guys The Hogs.
  16. I love the passing & running. We score a lot of points. But what gets me truly excited is when I see our OL just kick ass. We did that in the past with some very good Bomber teams. Nice to see it again. I have to admit I was yelling with glee on that TD drive.
  17. man, I remember our OL back a few years ago. Our qbs were getting killed. We had no run game. No passing game. Our linemen were pylons. What a refreshing change. We are a tough team to play. Like constructing a building. It needs a strong foundation so it won't fall over. We sure have that with the 5 guys on that OL. Just seeing them crush the Riders defense on that TD drive felt so good as a fan. They put the team on their back & won the game.
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