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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. HTH can Huawei still be selling phones in this country?
  2. That could very well be. The Wettenhalls sure overstayed their welcome. Just like Braley in BC.
  3. You don't lose $12.5 million & not try to find where all the money was spent & how. Otherwise you do know.
  4. This is about as close to proof that you're going to get, Jacquie. Even the Montreal Alouettes beat writer Stu Cowan doesn't believe Als President Patrick Boivin didn't know what was going on with the salary cap. According to Cowan, "If Reed was indeed circumventing the CFL salary cap & that was why he was fired, you have to figure that Boivin knew what his GM was doing and you have to wonder how long this was going on. If Boivin didn't know what was going on as President & CEO of the team, that's even worse. Boivin seems to have thrown Reed under the team bus". There you have it. Cowan, who is close to the team figures Boivin probably knew what Reed was doing. Although he isn't 100% certain. https://montrealgazette.com/sports/football/cfl/montreal-alouettes/stu-cowan-secrecy-over-kavis-reed-firing-paints-alouettes-in-bad-light?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  5. You just gave Tburg a reason to be waiting in the weeds.
  6. I'd need PROOF you'd actually have something to say.
  7. Don't drink & drive swimming with a pool noodle.
  8. Jennings over the course of a season isn't very good as he has shown that he can't string a series of good games together but in a one game scenario he could get hot.
  9. Jacquie, this is a fan forum website where we give our opinions & take part in discussions. This is not the Winnipeg Free Press & you're not Bill Bradlee so [please stop demanding things you know none of us can provide. Tell you what, if you want proof then why don't you do some journalistic digging yourself & come up with the facts.
  10. No, I don't have proof & why would I when I'm not a member of the media like an investigative reporter, an accountant, the police or a CFL official? But I doubt there's no way an owner like the Wettenhall's wouldn't have known where every penny went on the Als football operations side.
  11. This was a CFL decision as it is stated. However, they would have had to have known what was going on. Seems likely they would have. . This was going on under Andrew's watch.
  12. I like Adams. I don't know if he's capable of being a long term starter or a championship qb but he is perfectly suited for the CFL game. Hopefully Khari doesn't bail on him the first sign of trouble. Compared to Antonio Pipkin who has all the measurables like height, arm strength & athleticism but who just loses every game he plays. Adams gives the Als a better chance to win IMO.
  13. The death of local sports in the paper & television has a lot to do with dwindling attendance as well. Before, games would be set up by some talented beat writers, columnists & tv reporters in all CFL cities. They hyped players & rivalries. You knew a home game back in the day was a big deal. Well, most of these guys are now gone having retired or laid off. Now, all games are on television. CFL home games barely get any attention on local tv sports anymore as sportscasts are 7 minutes long. Today, local sports mean nothing to Bell & Rogers. Neither do the CFL teams.
  14. Funny how the Als don't want to comment on why Reed was let go but a series of "leaks" to the media has laid out what was going on in with him in Montreal to the point he was an evil scoundrel. The team said it was concerned about legal action if they divulged why Reed was fired yet found no problem having a mole telling the guy from RDS the problems so he could have a tweet storm. I don't like Kavis Reed but this is gutless .
  15. I'd say probably not. The CFL needs the Als to succeed. No way they'll weaken the team by releasing players or fine them as the new owners would have to pay. I think you'll see a Mike Kelly quote, "It's a non issue. It's been handled internally".
  16. Chris Jones is still a great option, as well.
  17. I've heard ratings are down. You may be right & I hope you are.
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