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Everything posted by bustamente

  1. May be an unpopular take but if you are not medically exempt from getting the vaccine and you chose not to and require the service of an icu you should be charged an appropriate fee for the service of trying to keep your stupid ass alive.
  2. As long as Covid and all of the variants are around people will die just like people die from the yearly flu
  3. I can't take credit for that info , someone has the numbers well in advance of them being posted
  4. Sounds like we are going to have our lowest daily case count in a long time today, let hope people are recovering and getting out of the icu's and the tpr starts downward this week
  5. Offence, Defense, Specials Teams .............................Grey Cup here we come
  6. Trump is going to start doing rallies, cash is a little low and he will rile up his idiot followers by bashing Fauci and telling them it's just a matter of time before Biden gets dragged out and he returns to the WH, after August passes and he is still facing indictments it will start all over again.
  7. Hey get your personal Cameo from your favorite drugged up imbecile Donald Trump Jr. for a cool 500 smackers, having a fake billionaire for a father just doesn't pay the bills any more
  8. I guess we will have to wait and see what effectiveness the vaccines have against this particular variant
  9. 20 Republican Senators refused to meet to Brian Sicknick's mother and partner, someone needs to name all of them maybe even get some big billboards with all their disgusting faces on them especially come mid terms, maybe they have no shame but at least put it out there
  10. Trump couldn't even do his blog for a month, guess he ran out of things to say since less and less are actually listening to him.
  11. Until the ICU's are cleared out of Covid patients we should expect a fair share of them to unfortunately pass away, we are getting closer to 70% first doses given, we might top out at 75%, and now with 2nd doses well on there way we should less people needing to go the hospital, well at least those that are vaccinated.
  12. Anybody the believes Trump will be reinstated should take a long walk off this flat earth, I mean come on are people that stupid, gullible, how don't they get killed playing in traffic
  13. Vaccine shedding, truly there are some really stupid people in this world and we have our fair share of them
  14. There is all levels of crazy but this is insanity and people are lapping it up
  15. It's funny that the Democrats have the Presidency, Senate and House but the Republicans are still running things, come midterms they will lose the Senate and House and they will cry and cry and the Republicans will just laugh at them and then they will neuter Biden and steal back the Presidency unless the Democrats wake up and wake up real fast grow a spine and fight back
  16. New restrictions will be laughable if they allow the rally to go on at the Forks tomorrow
  17. Why exactly are Republicans afraid of an independent commission for 1/6, I think we all know the answer as it will come out that yes Republicans themselves aided and abetted the pro Trump crowd and so did the Trump government and people that Trump put in power, even some Capitol police were involved
  18. Some guy named Chris Sky, he was recently arrested on a few charges including uttering threats and assault and is flaunting his release travelling around Canada suckering people
  19. I would like to see how the city and province will deal with this doofus that's coming here tomorrow, they did nothing the first time and probably do nothing again, another common criminal flying around the country like he is somebody to be looked up to, as for the people that are going to attend make it known that all will be photographed and put on social media so family, friends, co workers and neighbors can find out who these idiots are.
  20. Looks like the Governor of Texas wants the wild west to return handguns for everyone
  21. Trump has always had a tough time hiring the best lawyers they simply don't want to work for him and don't want the headache, he always has someone around to throw a wrench into prosecutors plans but this time it could be different
  22. They have a year to plan for more icu beds but did nothing until recently when they added 6 beds way to little way to late, but again those who choose not to get vaccinated and are now in need are the biggest contributors to our problems.
  23. NEW Last updated: May 25, 2021 Public health officials advise two new deaths in people with COVID-19 have been reported today: a male in his 30s from the Winnipeg health region; and a female in her 80s from the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region, linked to the B.1.1.7 variant of concern. Four deaths in people with COVID-19 were reported Monday: a male in his 40s from the Prairie Mountain Health region, linked to B.1.1.7 variant of concern; a male in his 50 from the Prairie Mountain Health region, linked to B.1.1.7 variant of concern; a male his 70s from the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region; and a male his 70s from the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region. The current five-day COVID-19 test positivity rate is 13.8 per cent provincially and 15.9 per cent in Winnipeg. As of 9:30 a.m. today, 259 new cases of the virus have been identified. The total number of lab-confirmed cases in Manitoba to 49,046. Today’s COVID-19 data shows: 15 cases in the Interlake-Eastern health region; 14 cases in the Northern health region. 15 cases in the Prairie Mountain health region; 28 cases in the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region; and 187 cases in the Winnipeg health region. The data also shows: 4,945 active cases and 43,066 individuals who have recovered from COVID-19; 253 people in hospital with active COVID-19 as well as 61 people in hospital with COVID-19 who are no longer infectious but continue to require care, for a total of 314 hospitalizations; 59 people in intensive care units with active COVID-19 as well as 20 people with COVID-19 who are no longer infectious but continue to require critical care, for a total of 79 ICU patients; 2,398 laboratory tests were completed yesterday, bringing the total number of lab tests completed since early February 2020 to 751,948; and the total number of deaths in people with COVID-19 is 1,035.
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