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Everything posted by Nolby

  1. I'd love Cunningham, liked his play thus far in his cfl career with Montreal.
  2. Total attendance.... 14 people, 7 if you exclude staff.
  3. I'd love to see underarmour take this. Love their workout wear and footwear.
  4. Will bighill only be a rental for this year or does Walters try and sign him to an extention?
  5. Well, I did say 41-17 bombers, so I'm. Obviously pissed off... Team looked phenomenal on all fronts
  6. 41-17 Hamilton. We'll finally see manziel..... In garbage time.
  7. With Matt back, I think we blow out bc. 41-17.
  8. This move is panning out well in Saskatchewan....
  9. Taking him off the six game this week likely meant he was deemed healthy last week, took a week and probably evaluated him at full practice speed. Put him in and really open this offence up.
  10. This team has all the talent in the world on both sides of the ball. With the offence we now have, I expect this team to roll with Nichols.
  11. I wouldn't be against this
  12. Hamiltons max protection on almost every offensive play was the main factor in why we lost. Our d line and blitzes were ineffective and masoli had way too much time to rip apart out cushy defence.
  13. Don't know if it was mentioned but Faith Ekakitie has torn his Achillies and will miss the entire season....... What timing.
  14. I hope Montreal comes back with a vengeance against the Riders this week and destroys them. Sink the Riders to a new low.
  15. With or without Callaros, I truly believe Sask will be fighting BC for the basement. Crossover at best.
  16. Call me crazy but I truly believe we are just as or a ball hair behind Calgary and Edmonton for a western power house. Calgary does not seem like they're all that far ahead, maybe with the exception of a bonifide qb. Our Canadian depth is the best we've had in a very long time, kicking game is as strong as ever, receiving core is amongst the very best, defence is strong(minus halls play calls), running backs are deep. I really think this could be our year, haven't felt this confident about a Bomber team like this since maybe the 2001 14-4 team.
  17. I was very in favor and praying we got Thorpe.
  18. Someone reassure me but does this still seem rushed to have Leggett back in the line up after such a serious injury? Don't know if his achillies was completely torn or partially.
  19. I hope the idea of keeping carter strictly at CB burns them badly. Ellingson is gonna destroy Carter(I hope).
  20. Hopefully you're like Nichols and is back sooner rather than later.
  21. Willy won't even hit 250 yards passing on us. Watching that last drive last night was so painfully satisfying because of the dink and dunk passing he does and holding on to the balls for so long. Our front four will eat him alive.
  22. Kyris had over 100 tackles last season, the guys still got juice left in the tank.
  23. I wonder what kind of time line we're looking at when Muamba finally makes his decision on the location. The suspense is killing me!
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