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Everything posted by iHeart

  1. I don't know shouldn't this technically be called Jets 2.0 vs Quebec City Nordiques?
  2. well I don't know how to delete comment or get rid of any annoying quotes that I didn't need to quote, so sorry M.O.A.B Oh good, we don't have to recall anyone for awhile
  3. this just in to the injury reserve, Al Montoya's Ego
  4. don't mess with my comments, you don't see me messing with yours
  5. this injury bug is getting out of hand, I wonder how long until one of our goalies get effected and they'll have to call Pavelec back
  6. well both former Jets on the Sabres are out, Bogo has a knee injury by the way this thread counts for around the NHL
  7. or the Jets winning the Stanley cup for that matter
  8. and here we have a rare occasion. Some kids want to grow up and be like their sports heroes, but how many get to grow up and compete against their sports heroes, and end up winning? I'm not holding my breath here but wouldn't it be cool? I haven't see anything like this happen since the most recent summer olympics
  9. wait a minute didn't we beat washington the first time we played against them?
  10. hey you know what would be awesome, if Laine would get his second hat trick of the season
  11. which is a shame, because the Cubs have forgiven him and so has most of the fans.....I think. Well I know the Cubs have for sure
  12. and just like that Kyle Connor has his first NHL goal
  13. hey who did they call up anyway? and wouldn't you know it Myers scores 15 secs into the opening
  14. yeah well there are also people hoping that Steve Bartman will throw the opening pitch. no they should wait til after the cubs win the world series
  15. not unless you want to use a simpsons quote
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