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Everything posted by iHeart

  1. Russia's net is empty, time to sit back and watch the clock tick down
  2. We're in, but so is Russia No score in the middle of the second
  3. well this could be an interesting superbowl, shame the bills got eliminated as well though
  4. Wheeler scores, IT'S OUR GAMES NOW!
  5. 4 minute PP for us Dammit Laine Bitetto ain't looking good yeah I'm not posting four minutes a second time
  6. well #FreeNiku is trending on twitter
  7. Remember Saturday's game is an afternoon game
  8. No shut out for you Toronto Laine ties it. The game just got interesting HOLY CRAP HELLE MADE THE ASSIST!!! Well that went to hell fast
  9. https://deadline.com/2019/12/jack-sheldon-merv-griffin-sidekick-and-conjunction-junction-singer-dead-at-88-1202819002/
  10. The jets will end the year and the decade with a hat trick for KConn.
  11. okay Scheif and Helle are going to all stars https://www.nhl.com/jets/news/connor-hellebuyck-and-mark-scheifele-named-to-2020-nhl-all-star-game/c-313241646
  12. well this is a shame, I've seen the Rutles once man reading that article I didn't know the Bootleg Beatles were still around
  13. Didn't they say the same thing about the Blues exactly a year ago?
  14. So I won't be able to make the game day thread 30 minutes before the game starts on Tuesday so someone else will have to do it again
  15. well the trade deadline is coming, let's see if they'll do anything, I'd kill to get a season saving player like we got with Stastny (even though we were doing quite good even before Stast joined us) or for Buff and/or Little to be fully recovered before January
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