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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. What's sad, is that anyone expect more from trump? What is more sad... this is the new norm and more people are letting this lack of decency slide. WHat an *******.
  2. Wow- it's actually happening. 20 years too late, but better now than 30 years from now.
  3. I agree to a certain point. If these people are being accused can defend themselves and have their day in court- yes totally. But if they are dead and can not defend themselves- is that fair or just?
  4. Yes, 75th anniversary of D-day is the best and most appropriate time to celebrate a POTUS who faked a medical issue to get out of serving his country, while hundreds of thousands died. Yes. So. Appropriate. GTFO here.
  5. "You may want to start on those reports, that pile is getting awfully hig- *Koff Koff*"
  6. I don't think he is seeing the protesters or supporters ... I think he is just making **** up in his mind and sharing it.
  7. I came across this and thought some people would find it interesting. It compares Mueller and Barr's statements side by side. it is pretty damning for Barr.
  8. Anyone curious on how Impeachment works, here you go: This might come in handy in a few weeks.
  9. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/06/04/reality-check-george-orwell-trump-china-avlon-newday-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/this-week-in-politics/ nice video talking about Orwell's warnings coming true in today's largest superpowers.
  10. Nice guide, good read for those that want a bit of clarification from "legalese". Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion” "What follows is a detailed guide to the Mueller Report’s evidence on collusion. The analysis discusses affirmative evidence and countervailing evidence in the Report, references the Special Counsel’s court filings and reliable news reports that help shed additional light on information in the Report, and identifies significant loose ends that the investigation was unable to answer." https://www.justsecurity.org/63838/guide-to-the-mueller-reports-findings-on-collusion/
  11. Yeah- me too. Still waiting on the evidence.
  12. I thought they would be on the field at the same time. Nichols to Matthews was supposed to be THE thing this year.
  13. Yeah- it's pretty crazy- the pedophile is linked to some serious big hitters in the "Grand Bargain": MSZ (The main guy in all this) MSB,
  14. This an AWESOME article for those interested in the rise and influence of the UAE and how it affects USA polices and political landscape. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/02/world/middleeast/crown-prince-mohammed-bin-zayed.html
  15. Great article- thanks for sharing. That is huge news.
  16. Inaction on Sandy hook was the moment when I realized there was no hope for curbing gun violence the USA. **** hopes and prayers- do some thing.
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