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Posts posted by AtlanticRiderFan


    Lack of time to go into a lot of detail currently so I'll sum my thoughts up like so: Calgary, Toronto are in a class of their own. B.C. and Sask both take steps back. Troy Smith exceeds expectations in Montreal. Despite their Canadian talent Hamilton falls below expectations. Collaros not as good as some think.




    Calgary 13-5

    B.C. 10-8

    Saskatchewan 10-8

    Winnipeg 7-11

    Edmonton 5-13




    Toronto 12-6

    Montreal 10-8

    Hamilton 9-9

    Ottawa 5-13


    Your West games is not balanced. West total wins/loss should be 45-45. East is 36-36.


    You're not perfect Mr. Perfect.



    Really? ****, that means my predictions are probably wrong then.


    Stampeders: 14-4

    Lions: 10-8

    Roughriders: 9-9

    Eskimos: 7-11

    Blue Bombers: 6-12


    Stamps seem to consistently do well with their depth when major injury occurs.


    If Sears and Watson go down for extended periods of time this year, I don't know, won't be good. Watson and Sears couldn't even make it through training camp. 


    I think our record would be marginally better if we were still in the East.


    46-44. Wrong. :P



    Does that matter when only predicting one division? The rule is for when predicting both divisions that the record has to be 81-81. I don't think it matters if you only predicting one division.



    Winnipeg has always been a walk up crowd to fill the building, why are we surprised by the number of tickets sold now? In typical Winnipeg fashion people just need something to ***** about.


    So you think they're going to sell 11 000 walk up tickets? Laughable.


    who ever said anything even close to that? I said ticket sales for the Bombers are always lower a week before the game. In Winnipeg most of the non season ticket holders buy their tickets last minute. No one expects a sell out on this team, they need to rebuild a lot of the casual fans trust, but they'll get into the 25000+ range I have no doubts, especially if it's a nice evening. 



    Yeah, I see what you're getting at now. Sorry.

  4. I get that this is an Ottawa home game, a preseason game and that this is an extra game for Rider fans to have to pay for but you would think they could draw more than what appears to be 10,000-15,000 ppl....


    Since it's an away game, season ticket holders don't automatically get tickets to the game, so alot of them just didn't get single-game tickets to the game today.

  5. I like Riderfans. A lot of knowledge gets passed around there.


    But it's not the most objective board I've ever visited.


    Everything that is bad is bad. Unless a Rider does it. Then it's not bad. Which happens a lot of places. But I think it's amped up a bit on RF. Might just be the volume of their userbase though.


    see: Taj Smith being charged with aggravated assault

    see: Kory Sheets on Twitter

    see: Ricky Foley CFLPA comments


    When you get past that, it's an interesting read.

    You forgot to mention that if you are a fan of another team then you are targeted for attack by the wheatheads over there which is why I stopped posting there nearly 10 years ago. I'd  never go back. Plus I hate the team & the fanbase so I wouldn't anyway.


    That Migs dude posted on riderfans at one point, didn't he?

    He still posts there under a different name but he was banned. He has such a bad rep that he posts under different names on different sites. Migs been banned on a lot of sites.


    Lol, in which case, he could still be on there. This is where they need IP banning, so he can't do that.


    The problem with the rider fan base in general is that they're mostly band wagon jumpers at this point. TSN started jerking off the die hards and all of a sudden everyone from that god forsaken province jumped on the bandwagon and started pretending to be super fans. It sickens me. For what it's worth Bomber fans are a better fan base than rider fans are, we've put up with so much **** and still turn out big crowds, give the riders that kind of **** show and watch them start holding telethons to fund raise for the team again.


    Have you actually heard any of this, or is that just you making stuff up about Rider fans? I'm not so sure I believe this.

    Unfortunately, Duressler what 17 says for the most part is true. A small vocal minority has really spoiled it for good Rider fans like yourself with their boorish behaviour. I've seen it in Calgary lots of times at Stamps games over the past decade or so to the point that I just refuse to go to any games at McMahon when the Riders play anymore. Fights in the crowd, swearing, drunk Rider idiots standing in front of people & refusing to sit down, nude Rider fans running on the field, boorish behaviour in the concourse & stands has become a real turn off for me. It's almost weird to have a decent Rider fan on a different team's website. Especially when you have guys like Migs & his multiple aliases crapping the bed wherever he goes. I think it's great to  have you here BTW.

    Yeah, it only takes 2 people to believe it. I must sound incredibly naïve, but I only just started attending Rider games in the last couple years and haven't been to a game in Calgary before. Not much experience I guess :).

    It's really unfortunate, but when a team/league gets popular, the idiots and bandwagoners are bound to come along. A big example of this are the Pittsburgh Penguins. When Sidney Crosby got drafted, their fan base skyrocketed, and with it came a **** load of idiots and bandwagoners, which seemingly got worse in the last few years with Dan Bylsma as the coach. It's brutal on HF boards during games.. People had warped opinions, and if you ever disagreed with them, either you are "trolling or stupid". I can't imagine the fans at the games are great either. Its really unfortunate to see, being a fan of the Pens. I like the players, but just don't like much of the fans.

    Thanks for the welcome, BTW :).

  6. The problem with the rider fan base in general is that they're mostly band wagon jumpers at this point. TSN started jerking off the die hards and all of a sudden everyone from that god forsaken province jumped on the bandwagon and started pretending to be super fans. It sickens me. For what it's worth Bomber fans are a better fan base than rider fans are, we've put up with so much **** and still turn out big crowds, give the riders that kind of **** show and watch them start holding telethons to fund raise for the team again. 


    Have you actually heard any of this, or is that just you making stuff up about Rider fans? I'm not so sure I believe this.

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