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Everything posted by captaincanuck12

  1. OSH pass this off as a character building game and that they did a lot of things right. But this is two games in a row now where the defense is a major concern. No pressure on the quarterback In fairness, the Bombers are playing well. It's just their offense could not generate majors.
  2. Parker look like he hit the receiver early. Could have been PI...
  3. You're rationale for kicking the field goal was sound... I have no faith in the cover team either
  4. Finally... Sorry @Booch The fans and the bombers needed the TD
  5. Did we run the ball in the red zone? Am I watching the right game?
  6. So legit question here... Can we grind 8 minutes off the clock and kick the game winning field goal with zeros? Asking for a friend
  7. Keep throwing it into double coverage Zach. Thank God for the penalty
  8. 3rd string quarterback. Here we go. Game winning touchdown coming up for the Argos
  9. That's assuming we can actually stop the Argos. Argos have had great field position all game.
  10. Agree, just keep pounding the rock. It'll open up the pass. He's so f****** impatient. It's maddening
  11. Oline looks like they did against the first BC game. Completely unprepared for everything
  12. Where's @bluto? You should be smacking up the game here to us. Bomber fans. Your Argos showed up.. we haven't yet and it's the fourth quarter
  13. Why are we forcing deep shots run the f****** ball. It's working
  14. Given the way the calls were Nichols is lucky that wasn't PI
  15. We're going to f****** lose this game. First place is going to BC. And we probably lose the west semi. This team is so inspiring. It's infuriating
  16. Toronto only needs to score field goals. We can't score touchdowns worth s*** right now. How the f*** is there a flag there?
  17. How the f*** is that guy wide open in the flat f****** defense wake up
  18. We did the same thing with Harris. Brady's durable. But our offensive play calling is just atrocious today.
  19. Run the ******* ball again!!!!!! God damnit these stalled.drives.
  20. And the good return wiped out by a penalty FFS.
  21. That appears to be a disappearing penalty call this year
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