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Posts posted by SmokinBlue

  1. Y'know, considering Frito has turned on "God Mode", it's pretty good that we're still relatively in this game. There's not much you can do, as a defense, when Frito is playing like this. Just gotta try and keep 'em to FGs as opposed to majors, and then hope your QB can put some points up on their D. So far, this is about as good as I could expect...

    Lol god mode my ass, more like playing winnipeg.

  2. How do you botch a 3 yard play with the game on the line this late into the season so badly you don't even have one option within 10 yards.There should of been multiple short play options, heck through-out the year they've been masters at getting 6 when they need 10, now they throw for 30 when they need 3.

  3. The field goal/non field goal thing is a bit of a so what either one is the right call. Not calling time out before the delay of game is 100% on Burke and both inexcusable/unforgivable. Almost as bad is the 3rd down long bomb with the game on the line, whoever was responsible for it, whether it be Hall or Bellefool, it's enough for me to never want to see them again. Both of these points just exhibit a certain amount of stupidity you can't forgive and you lose all hope with said personnels ability to think and do their job.

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