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Posts posted by rebusrankin

  1. Oh here we go with the lawless bashing. I guess his article wasn't as good as all of your articles in mainstream media. Oh right. I wish people would get a grip about lawless. Really shows a lot of insecurity and stupidity with all the attacks.

    Clearly lawless out forth an argument meant to stir discussion. And I agree. I don't care of Henoc does want to come back if you can get a legit number one QB for him you do it. No one is safe when it comes to getting a QB.

    Can you change your name to the contrary poster?

  2. I think it was more like: we release Elliott and Brink because Mack and Burke felt Buck was the answer at QB. Buck isn't the answer and they know they need to develop a QB so they trade Buck. Now they realize that Goltz and Hall may not be the answer so they go to plan Z Find a QB.

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