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Posts posted by Dascow

  1. If we lose to Hamilton the season is not over.  Heck, if we lose to Hamilton twice and Saskatchewan twice the season is not over.  That's just the nature of the CFL. 


    Right now the Bombers are 2 points from being tied for second place and 4 points out of first place.


    What else do you expect the coach to say?


    Keep in mind the Bombers were tied with the Lions in the fourth quarter, who are a damn good team playing at home.


    All Burke is doing is rallying the troops.  Let's not over react.

  2. You're happy going forward with Crowton just because you don't know who to replace him with?  A monkey throwing poop at a play chart on the wall couldn't do much worse IMHO.  Keeping someone who isn't doing a good job is foolish.


    Firing someone with no replacement is foolish.


    Sure it's a funny little line, that a monkey throwing poop could do better, but the reality is far different.


    We need to cultivate the best situation possible for Goltz.  Firing the OC with no replacement would not be the best situation for him.  Goltz is in a delicate situation right now with his development and creating a circus around him could destroy his confidence. So right now, we would all agree that Crowton is not a very good OC, but the alternative, like poop throwing monkeys, is far worse.

  3. I have seats behind the Bomber bench and so I was able to watch the interaction between the QBs. 


    Pierce looked like he was working well with Goltz through out the game.  They were constantly talking and going over things together.  Hall would poke his nose in there some times too.


    When Goltz made a play Pierce was the first to congratulate him coming off the sidelines.


    To me, this is where a GM of a team that needs to get better at QB should have someone out there scouting the heck out of all of the Tate, Nicholls, Willys, Collaros, Harris, Portis, types and any other backup with promise. I've got nothing against Goltz, but imo, you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket unless you know that basket is of GC quality.



    Coincidentally, the 2 best QBs the Bombers have had in the last decade, Glenn and Jones were back-ups on other teams.


    Let other teams develop the QBs and then when they are a couple of years in take the best one.  (Via trade or free agency.)

  5. That's been the plan for years & how has that worked out? Putting the future in Goltz's hands? Not ready to do that.


    It's already done.


    It was done when Elliott and Brink were released.


    There is no future with Buck and there is no hope of winning a Grey Cup this year, so let's get Goltz all the time he needs.


    If your going to trade a first rounder for a Calgary QB it better be Mitchell.

  6. Leads me to two more questions.


    Is he? Can he?


    I'd honestly love to know what Crowton's opinion of Buck Pierce is, because Crowton essentially handpicked Max Hall and Buck Pierce is about as far away stylistically from Max Hall as you can get


    So if he isn't or he can't, who is?


    If it's not Burke or Crowton, then are you saying it's Mack's call?

  7. then again... someone has to get to work on extentions (JE, Muamba) and audit the roster before the offseason... do you really want it to be the guy you're going to tie the can to? if you're going to gun someone, you do it at or around labour day so whoever is put in charge (be he a "caretaker" or permanent) can make certain your key assets are in place for next season.


    If the Bombers make the play-offs then he will not be let go.  Good organizations don't fire their coach or GM mid stream for that reason. Absolutely nothing will be gained by getting rid of him half way through.


    I don't care what the Bomber's record is.  Don't fire the coach or the GM until the season ends and there are suitable replacements.


    To do anything else would be foolhardy.

  8. That's not how it works. It's more like a silent auction. Team that puts in the best bid gets the player. If more than one team bids the same round pick then the team with the higher waiver position gets the player. There is no set order that the players are dealt with in the supplemental draft. Laurent could have been the first player through the process and Poblah last for all we know.


    But....now bear with me because I am a little confused...lol...


    The Bombers had the first pick, if they wanted it.  So, If they put a bid on a player, (Poblah), for a first rounder, then they get him, because they have first pick, but they also go to the back of the line...?  So if they bid a second rounder on Laurent as well, they have to hope that no one else bids a second on him, because they are last.


    The way I believe it happened was, and I could be completely wrong on this :huh: , that everyone put a first round bid on Poblah and Winnipeg got him.  Then everyone put a second round bid on Laurent but Edmonton got him because they were next in line...I'm I even close? 

  9. because hands trump hype and so far Poblah hasn't shown that he catches the ball as well as Etienne. Will be interesting to see if Poblah gets in at SB at all since the buzz is he's more suited to be inside than outside. 


    He hasn't shown that he catches the ball as well as Kolhert either.

  10. I know we didn't want to give up our first AND second round picks but we honestly should've taken them both.


    I don't think that's how it works.  I think that because we took Poblah with our future first round pick, we went to the back of the line.  Edmonton was #2 in line that year I believe. 

  11. Athletically I don’t see a huge difference between Goltz and Pierce.  Clearly Goltz gets the edge because he is younger and has a more solid frame, so to speak, but I don’t think the difference is huge. When Pierce actually runs, with a purpose, he is pretty quick.


    The problem with Pierce is that he has to reign himself in, or risk an injury.  In other words, the biggest difference between the two at this point is that when Goltz does hold on to the ball and gets in a little bit of trouble, he will be willing to take off with it.  Goltz, oddly enough, seems to have more pocket awareness in that sense at this point.


    Another thing that Goltz did last game that Pierce never seems to do any more is, when there doesn’t seem to be anyone open, he scrambles around a bit to give someone a chance to shake free of the defender and then hits the open WR. 


    Based on the last game, the way Goltz plays is much different than the way Pierce has been playing.

    Goltz is starting his first game ever in the CFL though, so I do expect a sack or two because he isn't quite sure where to go with the ball.  I would rather take that though than an interception.  I just hope the fans can have patients with him.



    Will Goltz surprise that Calgary defence?  I hope so. 

  12. The problem with the release of Elliott is that it was done based on more than on field production. 


    We will see if he amounts to anything in B.C.. It may take a while though for him to get any kind of look playing behind Lulay. (And Thomas DeMarco for that matter.)


    We don't know yet how Goltz compares to Elliott.  Elliott has the playing experience, which gives him the advantage, but Goltz has the raw talent. Before we start comparing Goltz to Elliott, we need to see Goltz play in a game or 2. The same goes for Hall.


    In 5 years from now we might just all agree that both of them were crap. It's funny how hindsight makes us all experts.


    I also don't think it's fair to say that none of our QBs on our roster would have made the Lions roster like Elliott did.  Until both Goltz and Hall get some playing time under their belt it's not a fair comparison.


    But, the fact is Elliott is gone and Goltz and Hall remain.  If Buck plays like he did, the Bombers have to have more faith in their back-ups like they would have if Elliott or Brink were in.


    In my opinion Goltz should have been given some playing time against the TiCats.  By the third quarter it was very apparent that Buck could not get the job done. I don't care who the back up is, if the #1 QB is playing that poorly, he has to be replaced.  It's not like this was a one time thing for Buck.  It happens fairly regularly with him.


    If the Bombers coaching staff have that little faith in Goltz and or Hall, that they can't put them in when Buck is playing that bad, then we are in big trouble. 


    And like I said before, watching the game from the sidelines could help buck see things from a new perspective which would help him going forward.

  13. I thought this would be pretty obvious but I guess it isn't. Why isn't the first person to be fired the CEO when things aren't going well at a company? If you have a device that isn't working why don't you just throw it out before you try changing the batteries? If your car is running rough do you check the spark plugs and see if it's a bad tank of gas, or do you replace the entire engine or the entire car, or stop driving cars all together and begin working on your pilot’s license.



    Troubleshooting anything you work up from the smaller stuff.


    Except we are not trouble shooting.  We know what the problem is.


    Sticking with your idea of piss poor analogies; The Bombers know the car is out of gas, but instead of filling the tank, they replace the spark plugs, they fill the tires with air and they give it a wash and think that will make the vehicle go.

  14. 1. When the other team is putting 8 in the box, you're not going to have a lot of success running the ball.


    How do you stop other teams from putting 8 in the box?  By throwing the ball successfully.


    2. When has Buck had the most success throwing the ball?  It seems like in every game he has a few drives where he is able to drive down field and score.  The rest of the game is 2 and outs, unless a RB or WR makes a spectacular play.


    Every time the Bombers offence has had some success it has been when Buck is making his reads and getting rid of the ball quick.  In the drive against the TiCats in the 4th quarter, that's exactly what he did. However, Buck can't seem to maintain that.  He inevitably falls back to his old ways. (If you want to know what his "old ways" are, see Mike's post on page 2.) 


    Obviously there are more problems than just Buck on the offence, but if you are going to deal with the other problems by sitting them, why wouldn't you do the same with Buck?


    Maybe watching the game from the sideline would give him a better perspective and understanding of the offence.

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