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Uncle Bill

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Posts posted by Uncle Bill


    Are you whispering because you're not sure? Yes, the feds insisted the stadium be built at the U of M to make it look like they weren't funding a pro sports team. But you know there's no way the provincial government would have funded a 33.000 seat stadium if it was just for the Bisons. So, what you're saying is a stretch. Biiiiiiiiiiiiig stretch. Funds were moved around. Things were said.... These are politicians we're talking about here. How can that even be compared to the 2015 Pan Am Games & the funding model used for a stadium in Hamilton? 


    Your logic makes no sense.  Why would they build a stadium in Hamilton for the Toronto Pan Am Games?  Maybe because they have a CFL team to use it?  They could have built it at any number of locations in the region and used it for amateur sport.


    The new Hamilton stadium IS being built exclusively due to the Pan Am games.

  2. I don't really see where a pissing contest about attendance breaks out.  He's saying that the Bombers will be relying on a gate to service the debt (Buchko said they needed 31,500 a game to do it), while the Tiger-Cats won't be in that position, which could affect football operations and the money available.

    Quite right, it's not a pissing contest. Just an incorrect comment in passing: "The Bombers have yet to sell out a game this season" that I felt needed a rebuttal...
  3. Comparing Winnipeg's attendance to Hamilton (guelph) is irrelevant

    Comparing attendance is relevant.

    Not for this year IMO.  Not a heck of a lot of people (I assume) were going to travel from Hamilton to Guelph 9 times out of the year, and I doubt Guelph fans would shell out $$$ for a team that is only there temporarily.
    The team does not sell out games in a 13k stadium in a city of 140k about an hour from their home city. They are hardly in a position to call down Winnipeg's attendance.

    That makes attendance relevant IMO.

  4. Ya know, most Bomber fans know by now the good ship Blue Bombers is in trouble. Must he spend so much time dwelling on it? Must he take every opportunity to rub it in?

    In his defence, weicek is not the only Winnipeg sports writer incapable of rising above the obvious to write an original story that does not include shots at the team.

    More's the pity.

  5. Is this the same QB some were predicting great things for? Some of those peeps pilloried Mack for not going after Reilly, fearlessly predicting he'd be head and shoulders better than any QB in Winnipeg.

    But it's only one game you might say. Sure, it is. However, those predicting great things from Reilly made those predictions based on Reilly playing very little in BC.

  6. Smart Alec.


    Nothing changed, no veteran free agents were signed, doesn't matter who, when, where or what.


    The simple fact that none were signed is proof that nothing has changed.


    Sorry if the gang is too slow to get it, it's not my problem.

    From your book "how to win friends and influence people"?

    Your opinion might be right. Or wrong. Who gets to decide?

  7. "Wetenhal has been giving away trips to Europe as door prizes to players wives/girlfriends at his 'appreciation parties' for years.....it was all over the CFL site that Cobournes better half won the trip for two to Paris.......there is more out there too, you just have do your own looking."

    The CFL knows and condones these perks?

    The eight team governors have turned a blind eye to this recognizing it hurts some teams and unduly rewards others? Gracious people these CFL governors....

  8. Enlighten you? Whatever gave you the notion I'm defending the board or the status quo? Unh, you opened the BOD old boys club conspiracy theory. I'm trying to understand why you believe that.

    I completely agree the Bombers have been poorly run for decades, both on the football side and the business side.

    Is the BOD inept? Possibly. There are political appointees on the board. That alone is enough to create suspicion.

    Would a private owner make a difference? Who knows? It's all spekulayshun.

  9. There are often comments made that the Blue Bombers fritter away trade opportunities. For the purpose of this discussion lets TRY to ignore conspiracy theories why the Bombers can't or won't trade. Lets just look at the world of trading in the CFL.

    It's my recollection that there are precious few trades made in the CFL. For instance, how many trades have been made in 2013? 2012? 2011?

    Perhaps if we can understand the dynamics behind CFL trades we might put the conspiracy theories behind us.

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