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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 3 minutes ago, TBURGESS said:

    What a classy group around here. Yukking it up because Collaros got hurt again. These are the same fans who were rightly upset when some Riders fans yukked it up when Nichols got hurt. Don't like it when others do it to you, but it's OK to do it to them? Yet another double standard.

    IMO: It sucks for the CFL and their fans that any of Nichols, Collaros or Ray have been hurt. More beatdown weekends are likely on the horizon.

     Am noticing this group has thicker skin than another board that I won't mention the name of on here.  

  2. Just now, Rod Black said:

     Nichols is the guy.....period. 

    I understand he is "the guy",  that stabilized this team and has helped tremendously getting the team to where they are......but foot ball is a vicious sport and most careers are extremely short....... these next games with Streveler are going to be very interesting. 

  3. 27 minutes ago, Rod Black said:

    Family does come first. Hope things work out ok. OnS is missed.

    As far as you missing a large portion of the game, you missed a lot of fun. The blue bashed and crashed, nailing everything in sight. They were absolutely dominating, heel on the throat taking no prisoners kind of game. Defence would grin, challenging any pass, smothering in each tackle. Defence relished sticking the runners in rushing plays. It was like they knew what play was going to be called by Willy before he did. Viewers became part of the D. In our living rooms, any pillow, any couch, any love seat, each wife, was nailed with passion for being in the same room as a bomber fan. 

    Offence played with horns on their helmets. Blocking, double blocking, providing holes that Harris would run through as if he was piloting a run locomotive a la Casey Jones. Every inch gained turned into a yard. Every yard turned into a first down. Nothing like it has been seen since the days of Indian Jack. The iron curtain could not have held back the earthquake created by Andrew Harris, future Premier of Manitoba. 

    Streveler, X-ray vision looking through Montreal’s secondary. Never even got beyond 2nd read. Proficient, efficient,  beyond sufficient and down right blood thirsty for victory. He was a leader. A Champion on this day. Some day those that watched the game will be saying, I was there when ....

    Five Hundred and Eighty Eight yards of offence. 

    too bad you missed some of it. 

    Hope you never miss another opportunity for Odds and Sods. 

    588 yards total offence ?.......when was the last time the blue did that well or better ?

  4. 4 hours ago, Booch said:

    Agreed...its Nichols team this yr...I would say/hope open competition next yr if Strev keeps it going and gets better.. Could have issues with salary but we'd be payin the same for the 2 regardless where they slot and I'd be okay with Nichols as a pricey backup

    I know it's Nichols team this year as well........but being out however many games he will be out won't help....especially if Streveler keeps producing and improving,  when Matty comes back he has to match or beat whatever Streveler accomplished by then.....

  5. 2 hours ago, USABomberfan said:

    What's most crazy is we may actually have 3 QBs on this roster - Nichols, Streveler and Bennett all capable of being starters on CFL teams.  Bennett may still be the most unproven out of the 3, but he sure seems to have no jitters at all when he goes out there either.

    And out of the three Nichols is probably the most nervous about his job.....Streveler An Bennett are both younger and stepped up when needed.  The next few games might even be huger for their resumes....as for Nichols, it's the the old "what have you done for me lately"  scenario........it's going to be interesting...

  6. 1 hour ago, USABomberfan said:

    How bout certain fans write both a thank you and apology letter to Paul Lapolice for both finding Chris Streveler, and for proving them wrong about his play calling and offensive coordinator skills.  Those trick play TDs like the one Marvin threw to Harris oughtta shut up the critics for good.

    Let's hope we get another one late in the season when we need it. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Goalie said:

    Well, I'm not downplaying what he did tonight cuz the Guy is good but... Lets be serious. That was Montreal... Bombers had the ball for prob 40 minutes.. Maybe more? 

    He was good but hes playing until Nichols is back.. Which might be soon or maybe they don't rush him now. 

    Streveler did not play the whole time the Bombers had the ball for that forty minutes either.  The whole team from top to bottom I think chipped in and played well when they should have. 

  8. 1 minute ago, CodyT said:

    Lol dude I get that we want to be excited. However let’s see how it progresses in 6 weeks. Nichols is our guy. He’s earned it let’s let him get beat before we start even thinking about that 

    I agree.  That's why I posted it in a question.......how do you take a guy out that is exceeding expectations and doing his job at an extremely high level...with numbers to prove it ?........it's a great season so far.  

  9. Just now, USABomberfan said:

    Ahh yes ... Man oh man though ... I do have to keep in mind the Als are awful and not a great team to use as a QB performance metric.  But damn .... It's just the way he runs this offense and fires those balls like lasers at times that's just crazy how he does it.

    Deepest QB roster I've ever seen on this team.

    Whoever we play against the next couple games if Matty ain't ready,  the defensive coordinators got a job to do against Streveler 

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