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Everything posted by bustamente

  1. I would of thought that we would of been getting under 200 cases a day by now but that hasn't happened yet, concerning that the TP is heading up in the last few days and the the hospitals and icu numbers which were trending down have also starting ticking up
  2. This is what happens when you know that Trump will give you a pardon, this is a sample of what you get back when you request Postmaster De Joy daily schedule,
  3. It sounds like Trump will try to get his new AG to have a special prosecutor investigate Hunter Biden, Trump needs to be very careful with going after someone's kid not that he cares about his except for Ivanka
  4. Oh boy this is going to be good
  5. 900 invites, less than 70 show up, you throw a hell of a party Mr. and Mrs. Pompeo
  6. It will be for sale soon anyways
  7. Let's lighten it up a little, Happy Holidays everyone
  8. This is the kind of stuff that Biden will have to deal with, it has since been deleted, onto a Twitter rant I believe that anything tweeted should not be able to be deleted, if you have a change of heart or drunk or are just plain stupid I think you should be able to apologize and retract the tweet but you can't make it go away
  9. Twitter really has a problem on their hands they enabled a President to lie day in day out along with bullying and racist views and now other have been enabled
  10. Turtle comes out of his shell and tell the Senate that he, the grand poobah does now acknowledge that Biden and Harris are now the President and President elect, Trump sees his life flash before his eyes.
  11. AG Barr no more, not even a second after the Electoral College gives Biden the win Trump needs the spotlight back on him releasing a resignation letter by Barr praising Trump.
  12. One thing that the Democrats should do if they take the Senate is give Washington, DC state representation, being predominately Democrat that's 2 more Senators for them
  13. When the first shot is fired he will be hiding in his mothers cave, these guys are full of bravado but when push come to shove they disappear under the rocks they crawled from This guy needs some serious help, with Trump as your dad he needed to get love from somewhere but drugs and alcohol are never the answer
  14. This guy Miller is the biggest trash bag racist, he also needs Trump to stay in power for all the crap things he was part and in all probability thought came up with.
  15. Trump has gone from doctor to lawyer of course idiot should be in front of his name
  16. Vikings are not in very good shape cap wise and if the cap goes down as has been reported they will need to make roster moves, as for Bailey his career with the Vikings has been up and down, that contract extension was a mistake
  17. The Vikings suck but their place kicker Bailey really really sucks and will be left by the side of the road in a few hours
  18. Come the 20th of January at noon whether Trump is ready or not the Secret Service will take Trump out of the WH further embarrassing the United States as a Democracy not that Trump care about that.
  19. What happened last night in DC will be common place in the new year as long as Trump keeps on with his lies on Twitter and in front of the camera with absolutely no push back, just once I would like to see Twitter suspend his feed or a reporter or reporters to his face call him a liar/racist but apparently you can't talk to the president like that.
  20. Hey Brutus the Barber has quite the strut going off the stage, and then a wing nut takes the stage
  21. Hey its mister free publicity guy and have another drink you got both about 5 minutes of your 15 left
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