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Everything posted by BomberfanMKS

  1. that's fair... he had ALOT of guys right around him as he caught
  2. ehh that 2 n out was on the receiver... hit a guy in the hands without someone blowing him up should be a catch everytime
  3. He keeps this up and league ROTY is on. the table... I can't think of any rookies really.blowing up. right now
  4. more impressed by the 2 yard first down... drove through contact to get the fd
  5. Some tricksy pass pro design.... Richie should get half an int stat for that
  6. Why would you EVER agree to hire someone as your HC, GM AND DC. It's been rare that someone's been successful being both HC and GM... nevermind also being the DC
  7. To be fair to Khari... a significant percentage of their penalties in 2021 were Special teams which is IMO less discipline and more coaching (i.e. on the special teams coach).
  8. If we had a healthy Wilson.... yeh I'd be pretty excited. Without I'm worried about BC gashing us with the same sideline quick hitters that TO hurt us on.
  9. Yeh TO/Hamilton really don't have much to offer OSH other than coaching his old team. O'Shea is a blue collar kind of guy - Winnipeg is probably more his kind of city than Toronto in a lot of ways - The only benefit to Toronto is that he's only a 4 hour drive from his hometown, but the amount he saves living in Winnipeg he can afford to fly anyways.
  10. Yeh Lucky definitely ran ALOT of deep routes in Lapo's offense.... he just always seemed to run them as distractions to the actual play
  11. I have some memories spending many many hours in some basement lab with a machine that remoted into some a "supercomputer" cluster and anxiously watching it run an analysis we did with a Fortran based application for hours while we hoped we did it right
  12. I bet you Barron Miles refused to accept Khari getting the boot and that's why he got the boot
  13. Yeh Collaros was saying a lot of those plays were audibles based on TO lining up to counter the run... Feels like they need to have some other options for run stacked audibles (maybe like you said key guys being knicked hurt the performance of those plays as well)
  14. TBH I thought the Oline was doing a pretty good job of pass blocking last night - It certainly didn't feel like Collaros was constantly running for his life. Biggest issue IMO was the screens and horizontal passes Collaros had 25 completions - out of those 11 were thrown to receivers who were between 0 and 2 yards from the LOS - our NET YARDS on those 11 passes was 13 YARDS. 7 of 11 of those LOS passes gained less than 2 yards (4 LOST yards) and we immediately had to surrender possession 4 times after those plays. Something wasn't working with their scheme on those quick passing horizontal plays - to my eye one issue looked like receivers not making their blocks.
  15. The kicking game has certainly not been a point of weakness so far this season - happy with his performance so far - Kicking 88% through the uprights is more than good enough.
  16. Yeh my confidence in us winning this game drops significantly with Wilson out of the lineup IMO his injury played a big part in Toronto moving the ball so effectively against us in the second half. BC with their speedy receivers is going to give us trouble on those lateral plays (the ones we failed at constantly) without Wilson's reliable tackling.
  17. To me this is where the rules basically states your possession needs to survive contact with the ground Article 6 — Incomplete Forward Pass A forward pass shall be declared incomplete and the ball next put in play at the point of last scrimmage with downs continuing: when the ball strikes the ground, goal post assembly, an official or any object on or back of the Dead Line or Out of Bounds, even if previously touched by a player, when the ball goes Out of Bounds, even though touched by a player in the Field of Play, when the ball is caught by an eligible player of either team while off the ground who, on landing, touches a Sideline, a Sideline in Goal, a Dead Line or any object or ground beyond such lines, when the passer has commenced with a forward passing motion with the ball moving forward and, as a result of contact with an opponent, the ball leaves the passer's hand and strikes the ground, while in midair a receiver of either team who has firm control of the ball, but loses possession of the ball when that player's feet or other part of the body hits the ground, with or without contact by any opponent.
  18. This is the argument for an incomplete pass and the only moment I thought the ball was potentially in contact with the ground. 1:33 in the TSN clip pretty clearly shows the ball rolling off Houston's arm - IMO it doesn't look close to hitting the ground while Houston is touching the ball. The thing is - this clip probably isn't sufficient for "clear evidence" to call an incompletion... I can't tell if it's touching the ground here or hovering just above the ground - we know the ball is squeezed between Banks knees because it lifts with him as he stands up, his knees aren't on the ground and the ball is just barely below the level of his knees. As far as down by contact - the ball was shook loose by ground contact... even at slo-mo it doesn't look like his possession survived ground contact (IMO balls starts moving as soon as his elbow is hitting the ground). My opinion - This play is either an incompletion or a TD and the right call by the command centre is not overturning whatever was called on the field because there isn't clear evidence either way. What the refs saw at field level is impossible to know, good chance they didn't have the angle from the screenshot to know it might have touched the ground (I don't doubt Houston's defeated body language and Banks indicating a catch also played into the field refs calling a TD based on not having a perfect view of the ball location)
  19. I think there's a very good chance we sign Awe if Wilson is done for the season
  20. TBH I thought they were doing OK in pass pro for the most part.... just not bulldozing on rushes
  21. So the gin must of been pouring real thick tonight 🤔
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