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Posts posted by robynjt

  1. Yeah if he isn't better at kickoffs... eh.  Just keep them in bounds and I'll be happy.  There were a few that REALLY screwed them over.  And, seeing as we rarely score points, that's a pretty high percentage of screw ups and kills all the momentum we had.  That said, Palardy hasn't been the best kicker either.


    ... I see Parades and I cry a little.

  2. Cry that there is no change then cry when there is.

    Exactly.  Who the hell cares who chose the QB?  They're all mediocre and/or unproven and/or need development.  They're 'trying' to initiate change from the tope down (one way of doing things), want to give the existing coaching staff a bit longer, and hired an offensively minded guy with cfl exp in the meantime.  What more do people want?  This is just getting ridiculous.  I'm going to have to back away from the Bombers for a while I think.

  3. Well that's the understatement of the year, but it's not like Goltz deserved to continue starting.


    On the brighter side, I'm ecstatic that Swiston is starting over Morley. The only thing IMO more confusing than Morley starting the past few seasons is Kavis Reed somehow being named an HC in the CFL.


    What a stupid comment. TWO STARTS and better than Pierce has been.  If Pierce goes back to starting... I think I've given up on life. 

  4. That sounds about what my friends have said. There are some nice 1,000-1500 sq foot 3 bedrooms in NK, GC etc for $250-300,000 so something similar for $450-500,000 makes sense.


    That's probably true, but I know when I was looking NK/GC wasn't even an area I was considering.  There are definitely some lower cost areas (still safe obviously) where you can get nicer housing at a lower cost in Winnipeg.

  5. I'm sure there is much less differnce between a 400k home in wpg and cal than there was 5 years ago.


    I was never looking at $400,000 houses in either place :P but there's not even the option for the house I was looking for (under $200,000) here. Same house looks to be around $350,000 in a decent area here.  How do people afford houses here? It's insane. 


    That said, from quick glances those "new" 1200 sqft houses in Calgary are kind of comparable to the new construction in Winnipeg (Waverley Heights etc) - around $350,000.  Probably much less fancy inside though.

  6. As someone who lived in Calgary, I can say this isn't really true.  The biggest hassle for me in Calgary was getting around.  It's so damn spread out and if you have friends in different corners of the city, be prepared for some real travel time.  And traffic... oh boy.  I'm sure it's worse in places like Vancouver and Toronto, but I've never experienced anything in Winnipeg remotely close to rush hour on the busy Calgary thoroughfares.


    Really?  I've noticed the traffic is bad, but not BAD if you avoid accidents/etc (eg - keep going and get the next trail etc). I've been in some pretty awful traffic in Winnipeg.  Can't really speak on transit in Calgary as I drive.  I haven't had a huge need to drive in the north for example, as everything you need is nearby.  Imo driving across Winnipeg can EASILY take an hour. Transcona to Charleswood? Have fun.  Even Lag - Charleswood, at least 45 minutes.  I dunno, I expected it to be worse, that's all I'm sayin'.

  7. I literally just moved from Winnipeg to Calgary.


    - Housing prices seem much higher than Winnipeg, rental prices are about $300/month more I've found (but if you keep looking you can find a sweet deal - I'm in a 3 bedroom house in an older residential area about 15 min from downtown - think St James - for $1300 + utilities).  But purchase wise, I can't really find anything under $300k.


    - Overall daily things are about the same price.  Horse board is about $150/mth more expensive (just as a reference point for another "large" monthly purchase) but gorgeous around here so a bit more worth it.


    - Can't speak on the winters yet but SO MUCH LESS HUMID.  I love it.  


    - Can't really speak on the social aspect of Calgary, not really someone who goes out unless its to a pub.  


    - Nowhere has air conditioning... apparently it's because no one needs it.  I NEEDS IT /end gollum impression. 


    - Lots of good places to eat


    - Easy to get around (it may be bigger, but Winnipeg is awful for transport anyway)  - I feel like I can get to most places relatively easily within 30 minutes.


    - I still have the option to move back to Winnipeg after... probably will.  There's no way I can get a house around here for what I pay (and enjoy) in Winnipeg.  Unless miraculously the market explodes in Winnipeg and crashes here ;)

  8. Poblah is moving towards being a bust.  Woodson and Volny?  Seriously.  You know all the teams dress 42 players right?  Just because they are on the team doesn't make them good picks.  We don't have any idea how much Kyle had to do with Kolhert and Palardy signings.  Considering coaching special teams is probably fairly time consuming probably not a lot. 


    Swyston and Thomas are back-ups.  Fine. 


    I forgot about Watson.  That was a good pick, obviously. 


    No different than any other team in the CFL.  The. draft. is. a. crap. shoot.  They did ok I think.

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