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Posts posted by Adrenaline_x

  1. ... well... I had a bomber knock on my door because what i had smelled so good.. lol.. So.. i had to get for him a couple of times until i just introduced him to my friend cause i didn't want to deal with it.. 


    Pretty much all of the bombers on my floor smoked when i lived there.. out of the 8 appartments on the floor, 5 had bombers in them.


    And running into them was pretty funny..

  2. Just curious, what were some of the things he did right?


    When he realized lefors wasn't going to work he brought in my buddy michael bishop.. watching him throw the ball all the way down field was fun to watch.


    it was also fun to watch him miss the reciever and take out someone in the stands.


    good memories.

  3. I know that some will disagree, but I feel this is the time to let Mack go. Give the new GM an opportunity to start evaluating for next season. Not saying they should write this season off as the coaching staff should have the rest of the season to prove that they deserve to keep their jobs. I believe doing it this way would make for the smoothest/less disruptive way to transition.



    My Knee-jerk reaction is to can Mack now.. But.. What will this accomplish?  Who are they going to be able to hire between now and the end of the season? You can't hire someone that is currently with another club...  For instance if you wanted to replace burke right now, and wanted dickenson, you can'T hire him right now because he is the oc and wouldn't be able to leave until the end of the season... soo.. unless you have someone you want to replace him with right now that is not working in the league then you have to wait.. and if they are not currently in the league, then i think its best to step back and re-evaluate how that worked out with mack.  You need to bring in new blood from other leagues, but only when the current coaching staff, management staff or players have alot of CFL experience..   Just look at Montreal.. or our offense

  4. Hmm. So who would we replace Mack, Burke, creehan and crouton with if could do it now?

    Dickinson looks like a great oc... But we would have to give him HC role to get him here.. But is he destined to be a good HC?

    I have no answers. But neither does this management team apparently.

  5. I thought goltz played pretty well for his first start. Moved the ball better then pierce and more consistently in my eyes.

    Offense has sucked for a while. We couldn't stop the run and can't play man coverage as per the post game show and I agree. Hard to cover Carr with a five foot 8 db.

    Is it coaching or players? Either way I'm starting to turn on Mack as he's kinda responsible for both. Mitchelle looked like ray or Durant out there throwing wherever he wanted and there was a man open to complete the pass.

  6. Goltz moved the ball at times and the offence looked more effective with him behind center.

    But we still suck on so many levels!

    Is it the GM and the players he has assembled? Is it the coaches he has hired? Is it the play calling or lack of executing?

    Not sure the club can expect us fans to be willing to suffer through the 4th season of a rebuild without show much hopemformturning it around.

    My belief is that there is no cfl ofensive experience from the oc to the Hc to the lack of qb coaches and a weak online or receivers not being able to get open.

    I don't think I can handle another losing season where we just suck.. 5 years after firing berry and rebuilding..

  7. Actually... We don't have any idea what Goltz can do. Yet many here are anointing him as the Mesiah. When will we ever learn not to pin our hopes on every 2nd string QB that suits up for our team.

    I hope for our sakes that he's the next star QB of the league but really.

    I'm not pinning my hopes on Goltz.. Just more of a anything but buck.. 


    What I want to happen is for Goltz to OUt play buck.. so that he becomes the number 1. If he can't then Hall to outplay them both.. If He can't then we really are in trouble.. Goltz doesn't have to outplay buck and take the job, but we have to hope that he can do this by the end of the season so its not " Second Verse, Same as the first" 

  8. No, but he can certainly make it known he'd like Mack to try.


    Did he? I don't know. Somehow I don't think so.


     We have no way of knowing either way.. Well.. I guess we kinda do.. 2 QBs were cut because  Burke and crouton  wanted something else.  But I'm not sure .  Burke doens't know the offensive side of the ball and readily admits that.. So i don't think it would be that far of a stretch to suggest that he wouldn't be able to effectively evaluate a QBs skill set.. He would have to rely on Mack and Crouton and their opinions.. But then.. Crouton might not have a clue what it takes to excel in the CFL.. Atleast he hasn't be able to prove anything yet with the players they have.


    He does have a wierd way Only wanting to start Buck, but that may be to give Goltz more time to grow and keeping the fans pressure off of him to excel.. If he is annoited #1 then fans will expect him to play at that level.. If you keep him at #2 fans seems to relax a bit knowing that our #1 is injured... Its just too bad that our #1 is so weak.

  9. This. Burke is a hell of a coordinator, there's no doubt about that, but as a head coach he's still got a lot to prove. Taking over last year and having 2 of the first 3 weeks where the team just absolutely rolled over and died was not a good start. Then he stuck with an obviously finished qb and he's 1-3 to start this year with the offense looking horrible the whole time... I don't want to throw him under the bus but so far he's not proving a lot as head coach.



    For sure.. He didn't come into an ideaL situation last year and the team didn't respond the way alot of us expected.. This is looking alot like last season.. But i'm not convinced starting Brink, Elliot, Goltz or Hall over buck in the first 4 games would have made that much of an impact.. I mean Goltz is green so he may flop or he might excel... I liked Brink but Elliot seemed to play at a higher level when he was on his game.. But if the rumors were true and he wasn't doing what was instructed i can see why they let him go.. 


    I don't have much faith in Crouton (what i call him) At running the offense... But everything else has changed over the past 3 seasons.. OCs, HCs but the QB has remained mostly the same.. And the offense still suffers that same symptoms game after game after game.


    I can only hope that Crouton and Burke are right when they believe Goltz is better suited and more talented then brink or Elliot were... I'm not sure i trust their judgement, but at this point we have to believe they know what they are doing.. even if it doesn't really look that way.

  10. One thing: the QB we have is the QB Burke wanted.


    That's on him


    Well sorta... He/crouton didn't want elliot or brink anymore.  Buck of old looked like a better bet then brink and elliot had issues with burke (rumours).


    So Burke picked Buck out of the four Qbs we had on the roster, and he has to accept that responsibility but he isn't able to orchastrate a trade for a qb from another team.

  11. Burke is a good coach but catches alot of heat from the fans because of the losing record.  He has sculpted the Defence into a very solid, high caliber unit that seems to show up game after game after game. Mack has brought in alot of good players that seemingly fit into our system.  The glairing issues with the team are on offense.  He can only work with the players he has and the players (QB) to this point have been very weak the last 3 seasons.  Crouton may be a big part of the issue, but really he can only work with the players he is given as well.  So.. the Offensive players supplied by joe mack are not cutting it. Not sure what he could have done differently aside from trading for glen or going all in with for rielly..  But QBing has been an issue for 3 seasons, and other teams have been able to address them in that time including, TO, Hamilton, Calgary and Even Edmonton (attempted.. not sure if it pays off) have all made moves to upgrade their QBs.


    If the teams starts winning, then the fans won't care what burke is saying to the media.. The fans will be happy as long as the team wins or looks very competive and that the offense starts moving the ball downfield.. 2 and out are not going to cut it as the fans have been watching the same thing over and over again for 3 years and finally can't stand it anymore.

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