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Posts posted by Ripper


    I'm not sure whats with all the Ellingson love. He had a great half of 2013 to start his CFL career, then he tailed off and got injured continuously. He'd be an upgrade over Romby or Kelly sure, but who wouldn't be?  

    The idea is that with a couple years under his belt there's no adjustment period like you'd see with a raw rookie and he's shown he can produce and might have potential to do more. Worst case scenario you get a decent #3 option at receiver, best case he uses his experience to break out and become more than that. 


    Bang on post, I would like to add that I imagine he won't be making big money either so that adds to the appeal for teams looking for a 3rd receiver 

  2. Couple things I find interesting about this one.


    Saskatchewan was very much in the Shea Emry race last year during free agency. They weren't willing to go as high as Toronto. Wonder what changed now.


    Emry may be better than Foley (I agree with it) but this really does nothing to alleviate Saskatchewan's ratio issues. They get a bit younger, but they still need to slot in another Canadian somewhere if they lose Heenan. A rotation of Ainsworth and Lee likely won't cut it in 2015.

    I agree with your post Mike. I guess myself and others here are just hoping we have some kind of plan here going forward that includes Canadians at that end spot.  The theory here is likely its easier to recruit at DE than it is at LB. I'm scratching my head a bit on this move as Foley is absolutely loved here by the fans. Tons of pressure on Emry to perform, the pitchforks will be out early for Taman if this blows up. On a brighter note Emry is a real ratio buster and will fill a glaring weakness we have had for nearly 2 years. 

  3. Players might be a little hesitant in signing with the Riders after this. I get it's a business, but it still seems a little dirty.

    Do players hesitate to sign in BC? Wally is 100 times more ruthless than Taman could ever be. Did Tedford hesitate to sign after Wally micromanaged the last coach out the door, and then fired him in a window opportunity so they didn't have to pay him?  I think this Foley thing is just a surprise because Taman isn't seen that way around the league. 


    I don't really care either way, Miles has done a decent job. Missick has also done a decent job in Calgary.  Changing the DB coach isn't a earth shattering move for the team IMO. Rumor is Miles will follow Ritchie Hall to the Bombers, we need to replace him, not much else to it. The Riders have always paid their coaches very well. Missick makes a lateral move for more money likely and maybe the Assistant DC title or something like that.

    And in a year Chamblin fires Missick if next season doesn't go well. I'm sure the Stamps pay their coaches very well too. Some of them have been there a long time. 


    I won't lose a moment of sleep about who gets fired a year from now. I would hope any team I cheered for would be swinging the axe when things don't go well. With Claybrook's likely the heir apparent to be DC in Calgary, maybe Missick see's a chance to move up "quicker" here. As far as Chamblin, he'll get some leeway this year, but the day will come when the axe will be coming his way if his changes all turn out to be poor ones. I'm fine with that too.


    So Foley is an Argonut once again. Probably doesn't mind the trade, although I don't think he's any better off. Going from the rabid fans in Regina and a lot of rah rah, to back playing in the ghostly silence of the 'Mall' called skydump. He might have preferred making his own choice by waiting till fa but I guess Taman schmoozed him into signing, so he could pull the pin on the trade. Such is the world of football sometimes.

    Word was Foley was not happy... According to Brendan Taman. 


    Of course he wouldn't be happy, he fly's under the radar here while Chick faces a double team on every play. Big fan of his as mentioned earlier he is a very sure tackler. Bottom line is the Dline, while very good, isn't getting any younger. T George and Chick are both north of 30 also. At some point we needed to stick some youth in there or face the inevitable all rookie line 2 years from now. The money is about the same from what I hear. There is a risk here but I believe it will pay off. With Foley you know what you have, a warrior who never ever takes a down off out there, and takes very few penalties. Truth is Foley may only have one more year left, maybe two. With Emry, he has many years to play yet, is mean and nasty, does take some penalties. Emry also shores up a huge hole in our defence, MLB has been a glaring weakness for the riders since Rey Williams went down a year and a half ago.  Much like the Picard move, moving out a high paid aging starter to get younger. Not sure either team won or lost in this trade but it was a move we had to make. The Riders are a better team today with Emry than they were yesterday without him.

  6. I don't really care either way, Miles has done a decent job. Missick has also done a decent job in Calgary.  Changing the DB coach isn't a earth shattering move for the team IMO. Rumor is Miles will follow Ritchie Hall to the Bombers, we need to replace him, not much else to it. The Riders have always paid their coaches very well. Missick makes a lateral move for more money likely and maybe the Assistant DC title or something like that.

  7. I've watched both backs living here in Calgary & Cornish is a better back than Reynolds. He's faster, is a better receiver out of the backfield & the fact he's Canadian makes him a ratio changer. Reynolds in his prime would be on the PR behind Cornish. Reynolds lost it FAST!!! He was an all star one season & barely in the lineup the next. 

    For some perspective, he was 30 when he had his last good season. RB's do drop off quick at that age. Anyway I won't argue your point as I am not a stamps fan and haven't watched them that closely. 



    To be fair, Taman traded Willy but would have lost him in free agency.

    Yes, this is true. But there was a mentality that Sunseri was better than Willy though.

    Rider fans had turned on Willy at that point because he failed to convert a few 3rd and 1 QB sneaks.


    Some fans yes, but not all. Last season a few Bomber fans turned on Willy also. It happens in sports.

  9. I didn't join the forum to defend "all things Riders", rather to enjoy some football discussion and I know shots at the riders are the norm here.  For those of you who have ever read my posts on riderfans, I don't tow the company line and ask hard questions about Chamblin and co. I will however fire the occasional shot back just to keep things interesting. No hard feelings on my end and none were intended to you guys either. As far as the 2013 grey cup, maybe too much was invested, hard to say but we won and that's what matters. Even though many of you won't admit it I'm sure some here would like to see the Bombers go all in to try to be in the game this year. Getting a chance to win the cup at home is something I'll never forget. And if the Bombers do it this year that would/will be awesome for you guys, I really mean that.  I'm hoping my Riders will have a little something to say about though.  We do have some fans that pound their chests, so does every other team in sports on the planet earth.   

  10. Could you imagine if the Riders lost...and I'm only including players who have suggested they will test FA, had NFL workouts, or are gone already and by no means is inclusive of all their potential losses....Picard, Heenan, Hurl, Brackenridge, and Peters. That represents 20% of their starting lineup and is likely not even close to all the players they may lose. I know Taman won't say it, the Rider fans won't admit it, but they have got to be sweating bullets in Rider land right now. This offseason has the makings to be a Titanic like offseason similar to the one we had in the mass exodus of '08.

    Picard is not a big loss and will be replaced for less money, Great player but in the twilight of his career and not worth the 195k the bombers are paying him. Heenan is a big loss if he leaves but money will factor in. Hurl has had multiple opportunities to establish himself as a starter and hasn't, hardly a big loss if he leaves. Brackenridge is good would like to see him stay but our secondary is excellent and has lots of depth to replace him cheaper i.e. Legree.  Peters came on as the year went on, could be a good one.  Sweating bullets, hardly.. 

  11. Aside from Kohlert do we have a single Canadian who could start on a team like the Stamps? I don't think so and that puts us at below average at best.  

    I like Picard, him leaving was money related IMO. He is a legit NI starter. I like Neufeld, strong as a bull, he is a legit starter when healthy and I really hope Paddy can do it this year. I'm sure you will like him once he strings some starts together. I like Goosen, some time with Picard is going to help him tremendously. By the time Picard leaves Goosen will be ready to step in.  I like Bucknor, bad part is he plays apposition not traditionally played by a Canadian and that make ratio issues awkward. Bucknor is a hitter and a canuck, you just got to find room for him somewhere where he can contribute. Like Watson also even though he so inconsistent.

  12. I can see seasons of 1500-1200 yards over the next 3 years for Cornish scary thing is he might put those numbers up only playing 12-15 games a season.

    He is turning 31 this year. He had 2 concussions last year, I believe the second occurred against you guys. I don`t see him in football 3 years from now. Depending how this season goes, it will be his last. RB`s north of 30yrs old drop off pretty quick. But as I said, he is a incredible talent and I don`t wish any injury problems on him. I just think the damage is already done. 






    Walter isn't as good as Cornish tho.


    At this point, yes. But who knows how he will developed.


    Walter has good rushing/receiving numbers to show in his first 3 years compared to Cornish's first 3.


    Walters will get more looks/ playing time because he is behind Cornish. Cornish played behind a great running back in Reynolds.



    What are you going on about?  Cornish got plenty of carries when Reynolds was still in the picture, and he is also a better running back than Reynolds was.  Walters is no Cornish and will not get the kind of playing time that Cornish got behind Reynolds.


    Here are the facts since you don't seem to know them or are ignoring them. first 3 seasons in the cfl, Cornish had 52 carries and Walters has 155 carries. Cornish did not get plenty of carries behind Reynolds, in fact he only had 137 carries after 4 seasons. It wasn't till Cornish's 5th season that he got the ball more than 100 times and took over for a aging Reynolds. Walter has triple the carries in his first 3 seasons than Cornish had, mostly because walters is behind a rb that misses more time. As far as Cornish being better than Reynolds, IMHO no way that's true. Reynolds had 6 consecutive seasons with over 1200 yards per season. Reynolds had clearly established himself the starter in his second season with the stamps, it took Cornish 5 seasons to do that. I`d take Reynolds over Cornish any day of the week. As far as Walters is concerned he is a ham and egger, they had to sign him because he is Canadian and they need a Canadian backup for Cornish.   



    Classic Riderfan Cornish hate.  I'm sure you had this post saved in a text file on your computer because you got tired of typing it out every time.  Get over it.




    I think his moon might have blinded your judgment Cornish is career average is one yard better than Reynolds 5.8 to 6.8. Reynolds has 13 more touchdowns than Cornish but Cornish has had roughly 600 less carries. If they get to the same number of carries over a career Cornish will have well over 1000 more yards than Reynolds and probably 20 more touchdowns. Oh forgot to mention the MOP award which Reynolds does not have.

    Nice rebuttal. Obviously the Stampeders themselves don`t share your view or it wouldn't have taken Cornish 5 seasons to unseat Reynolds as the starter. Cornish is a huge talent, no doubt about it, I just don't think he is better than Reynold`s. If Cornish wasn`t Canadian he wouldn`t get the air time he gets. Other RB`s have had good 2-3 seasons also in their careers, but the really good ones can endure and have longevity and do it over a period of time. Jon`s had 3 good seasons, do you see 3 more coming consecutively for him.  Ya me neither. 




    Walter isn't as good as Cornish tho.


    At this point, yes. But who knows how he will developed.


    Walter has good rushing/receiving numbers to show in his first 3 years compared to Cornish's first 3.


    Walters will get more looks/ playing time because he is behind Cornish. Cornish played behind a great running back in Reynolds.



    What are you going on about?  Cornish got plenty of carries when Reynolds was still in the picture, and he is also a better running back than Reynolds was.  Walters is no Cornish and will not get the kind of playing time that Cornish got behind Reynolds.


    Here are the facts since you don't seem to know them or are ignoring them. first 3 seasons in the cfl, Cornish had 52 carries and Walters has 155 carries. Cornish did not get plenty of carries behind Reynolds, in fact he only had 137 carries after 4 seasons. It wasn't till Cornish's 5th season that he got the ball more than 100 times and took over for a aging Reynolds. Walter has triple the carries in his first 3 seasons than Cornish had, mostly because walters is behind a rb that misses more time. As far as Cornish being better than Reynolds, IMHO no way that's true. Reynolds had 6 consecutive seasons with over 1200 yards per season. Reynolds had clearly established himself the starter in his second season with the stamps, it took Cornish 5 seasons to do that. I`d take Reynolds over Cornish any day of the week. As far as Walters is concerned he is a ham and egger, they had to sign him because he is Canadian and they need a Canadian backup for Cornish.   

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