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Posts posted by mfranc

  1. It was one of those games that actually makes me embarrassed to be a CFL fan, because it looked SO amateurish. Terrible football game from two truly awful teams...

    Yes because 9-3 and defending Grey Cup Champs = "awful."  How about 3-0 versus the Bombers with 2 wins at IGF?  What does that make the Bombers?



    The best thing Sunseri did in the game was not turn the ball over. That was a typical Rider win from the first half of the season. Hang around, extend the game, and force the opponent into a mistake.

    The offence scored 28 points.


    Not too shabby.



    And? Can you elaborate as to why that is relevant to what I said.


    Just agreeing with you and elaborating a bit.



    Tino looks HORRIBLE

    Tino looked great. Much better game against a good Ottawa defence.



    He certainly didn't look GREAT. He played much better in the second half than in the first, but great? No. Good enough to beat a crappy team? Yes.


    Ottawa may be crap but they played well in the first half.  Also, the Ottawa defence has been pretty decent.  They did a fine job of taking away the run and the young qb did what he had to do.  What's impressive is driving with the game on the line and avoiding mistakes (turnovers).

  4. Wambulance mfranc? LOL


    Nothing will bring me greater pleasure than watching the Riders lose in the playoffs this year. Zilch. You're coming on here beaking off about your team beating one of the worst teams in CFL history and it took overtime to do it. Yes, your team got away with another touchdown return where 2 infractions occurred. Stop trying to passing it off as if its a magical balancing act. It was a screw up and a bad call. No tears, no crying, no waahmbulance or however you hip kids spell it. Your team is overrated and will crash hard. Facts.


    You really come off as a ranting lunatic.

  5. I don't really mind too much what our Rider friends here are saying, but they sure don't seem to understand how bad of a QB Hank Burris is.


    Maybe it is looking at it through the blue glasses, but I still feel that old bum is more responsible for the Riders winning than Sunseri.


    The Redblacks were playing so well through the first half due to Hank's scrambling and making good plays.  He is bound to make his mistakes as he always has.



    Fraser, on 21 Sept 2014 - 4:21 PM, said:

    Tino is a future hall of famer


    The Hamilton Tiger Cats say NO


    If Riders continue to scheme to get receivers wide open, offer good protection and sloppy tackling from opposition Sunseri will be just fine.


    C'mon man!  Give the kid some credit for getting it done.



    Tino the Choker is gonna do it again

    What did Tino do again? Lead a team to victory from behind? Right you are.




    You really are an obnoxious wolf in sheep's clothing.


    Listen, what is obnoxious is calling a young quarterback in his second start a "choker."  That is extremely obnoxious.

  8. mfranc, on 21 Sept 2014 - 9:21 PM, said:


    USABomberfan, on 21 Sept 2014 - 9:14 PM, said:


    Fraser, on 21 Sept 2014 - 4:21 PM, said:

    Fraser, on 21 Sept 2014 - 4:21 PM, said:

    Tino is a future hall of famer


    The Hamilton Tiger Cats say NO

    Well he didn't throw any big interceptions near the end of the game so that's a plus.


    Plus ? ... maybe.  Hall of Famer ?  Hell ****ing NO.  If he can actually find a way to beat the scary good defenses of Edmonton, Calgary, and Montreal, then we'll talk.



    But that being said, this Rider win was handed to them by Hank Burris.  That old washed up man is 100% to blame for the Redblacks problems even more so than Rick Campbell.

    You know what they say about excuses right?

  9. Well the league assisted Ottawa in giving the Riders a freebie win ....  I wouldn't be to excited as a Rider fan as they looked not good at all.   Outside of the lucky bounces and non calls Tino looked very mediocre for the most part of the game and that secondary is downright putrid.   Chick can only do so much in carrying that team.     


    I just can't see them getting lucky twice in the play offs.

    It's a conspiracy I tells ya! What brand of tinfoil do you use?

  10. Bad officiating is bad officiating if its a conspiracy its the worlds most inept because the incompetence and inconsistency is so obvious.

    True.  Problem with some posters around here is they only see the bad officiating when they want to and turn a blind eye when they don't want to see it.


    The only thing worse than incompetent boobery that costs teams a game with terrible non calls is when fans who receive those calls then proclaim that calls were missed both ways.

    Quick call the wahmbulance!

  11. Fraser, on 21 Sept 2014 - 4:21 PM, said:

    Tino is a future hall of famer

    The Hamilton Tiger Cats say NO

    Well he didn't throw any big interceptions near the end of the game so that's a plus.

    insult to burris or insult to willy? Gotta love them backhanded slights..

    Just a comment. Tino wasn't spectacular but young QBs who minimize mistakes are valuable.



    Even Dunigan recognized that Dressler's been getting away with murder on returns...I say again: **** the Riders and **** their so-called fans...



    Matty has had a hate on for the Riders forever.


    Don't you guys ever get tired of conspiracies?


    So you're pleased with the officiating in the league?


    Nope.  However, it doesn't constitute favouritism like some of you state.  There are crap calls on all sides but some people on this board only ever comment on the ones that go the way they don't like and ignore the others completely.

  13. Bad officiating is bad officiating if its a conspiracy its the worlds most inept because the incompetence and inconsistency is so obvious.

    True.  Problem with some posters around here is they only see the bad officiating when they want to and turn a blind eye when they don't want to see it.


    After the interview that went forever last week was it really necessary to do another Never-ending one with Buono this game. Geez.


    Whose idea was it to have a football game interfering with all these Hall of Fame interviews?


    Yep.  Can't stand Wally at the best of times let alone when I'm trying to watch the game.

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