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Posts posted by Strums

  1. The Riders did what many other teams have done. Hervey could have denied the right to talk to Jones. He didn't. IMHO all this crying is just envy because we have proven losers running this organization while Sask went out and hired proven winners. Despite Sask's record last season they have many more quality players on the roster and it should be very easy to turn the team around. Bombers ... Not so much.



    We continue to sputter our tires and when the Riders go out and make a ballsy move - jealous backlash.  By now we should have shown some progress with this new regime, but it really feels like we are throwing darts in a dark room hoping to hit the dartboard.  


    I really hope one of our illustrious reporters (tongue firmly planted in cheek) writes an article about our poor scouting.


    I want to our team to succeed, but the apathy is slowly permeating our fan base.  At this point I don't care who is coaching, or who the players are - I just want us to win.

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