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Everything posted by BigBlue

  1. With Montreal first firing Tre Watson and then signing Michael Awe, MOS and company showed no committed interest to hiring either one of them. Bringing veterans in mid season just does not seem to be the Bombers style. Develop, develop and develop from the start of the season opener's roster. Only Castilio comes to my mind in recent times. Go Clements!
  2. I enjoyed watching Dunnigan run his BBQ on Canada Day I thought it was classy and mad me hungry for it I actually warmed up to TSN for its efforts here
  3. One thing we have now and we didn't use to have is a reliable scouting staff. McManus & Goveia have done a wonderful job. They are capable of bringing iin some real studs over the summer, difference makers. Not everyone has to incubate on the PR.
  4. So how are we going to replace Kyrie Wilson? Injuries are piling up. Yes we have a decent PR. Maybe there is talent or super talent. BUT, nobody can match Kyrie.s experience and know how.
  5. As I recall, as a QB Buck Pierce seemed to me somewhat of a Mississippi gambler, both in his passing style and in the way he sacrificed his body. He was all heart and an automatic hire when his body was done. Then he did his apprenticeship under Paul LaPolice. PLOP's dink and dunk style drove many of us fans crazy. Now we are grumbling about Buck's play calling. Was he tainted to not be his own man? Yet we have had great success even tonight. So do we just have a great defense and a barely adequate offence? Is it our offensive strategy and overall "careful" philosophy that has led to tepid performance this year? Or are we having a personnel problem at O-Line, running back and receiver? What is the remedy for this under performing offence?
  6. Nice to see Dobson get a few reps ... they looked god out there together
  7. I keep waiting for Olivera make an "above and beyond" play
  8. Harris was spinning before he even hit the line
  9. Did Collaros not start as an Argo before going to Hammy?
  10. Nice sweep by McRae, I like him in there taking an OL Yank spot
  11. The main thing I am looking for tonight is to how we have changed our O-Line strategy/methods. That could be the biggest focal point and difference maker.
  12. I did not see or hear a single word or intonation of blame including his post game interview on TSN later on Sports Center. He was putting the whole burden on himself (even in spite of the bad bounces). I just see a courageous person who is not brushing it off or making excuses. He is not a sissy - he is real. He will double down and bounce back. If anything he is trying too hard; he just has to work through it. A maturing process you know.
  13. After game 1 the press was all over Leggs, and so were we. We are not dummies here: recently he has been great... regret about letting Castillo go have disappeared. If Leggs stays as consistent as the last couple of games, then there is nothing to talk about. But if he reverts then it doesn't hurt to have our left eye open. Meanwhile Lirim is some one to be proud of!
  14. https://3downnation.com/2022/07/01/dallas-cowboys-bring-back-canadian-kicker-lirim-hajrullahu/ "The Dallas Cowboys are signing Canadian kicker Lirim Hajrullahu for the third time in less than a year" I have always had mixed feelings about Lirim. Perhaps the Blue may pick him up for a Grey Cup run if he is available.
  15. The Post Game coverage of Dane Evans was very touching for me ... watching him alone on the bench with head hung low when all his team mates had left, and then watching Arbuckle encouraging him in very real concern had a big effect on me ! Even with Arbuckle there Evans could not raise his head. "A scrambling Evans had the pigskin punched from his arms by safety Scott Hutter and corner Jalen Collins scooped it up for the winning score. After failing to create a successful response, a clearly emotional Evans had to be consoled on the sidelines by Elks’ backup quarterback Nick Arbuckle — who lost his own starting job last week" (3DownNation). I think TSN did good focusing on this real life story. Heroes are human and it helps us to know that.
  16. Liam Dobson is turning out to be rookie. I am not sure about his learning curve but it is nothing like Elks QB Ford. We have a fantastic line coach in Marty Costello so I guess he just needs more adjustment to the Pro game. I would love to see this bruiser at center or guard because he feels like the "Stove", just on the other side of the ball. So the two new yanks may give us the right stuff that we need now.
  17. HAMILTON'S UNIFORMS TSN: describing them as steel grey (as in the city's chief industry - - not the Grey Cup) to me was so diplomatic, to say the least. Where is Don Cherry when you REALLY need him? These are the ugliest uniforms I have ever seen (I double checked on that). They just reminded me of dirty formerly white work clothes or worse the colour of what my underwear looked like under my goalie uniform after a hard two hour practice. I found myself so distracted by these uni's that I found it difficult to concentrate on the game while I watched it on the Telly. U-G-L-Y !@#$%^&!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Dave Naylor on the panel was ok too ... good enthusiasm on the mundane.
  19. Disagree///he was play by play explaining in a rather informative way. I liked it a lot. I like Rourke's play too (big time - he is fascinating). Besides Dunigan is NOT Glenn Suiter, not even slightly.
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