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Everything posted by BaconNBigBlue

  1. Would have been a different game if played in Calgary this week. 165km/h winds throughout much of Alberta.
  2. Wow I just lost a TON of respect for Milt. Zach was sliding before the dickhead started his spear. Milt Milt Milt. I may cut up my Jersey with your name on it.
  3. Kick return for a TD would be a nice way to end the half.
  4. My hate for the ref's is only eclipsed by my hate for BLM.
  5. That'll teach him for leading with his helmet with intent to injure.
  6. Horse collar tackle better be a penalty!
  7. If I see Suitor on the street I'm going to head shot him and say "you should have hook slid you dumbass to avoid the hit"
  8. Looked like less than 5 yards. Where's the flag?
  9. Maybe it's time to head hunt BLM. Certainly will find out what kind of bias is out there.
  10. Fire Suitor. That sask sucking loving POS.
  11. Way ******* late Suitor you're a dumbass!
  12. My hate for BLM runs very deep. That overstuffed self centered turd sack could go down with an injury and I wouldn't lose sleep!
  13. So TSN replay's the helmet to helmet hit on Collaros from Westerman. Hopefully a fine is coming.
  14. There has to be holding on that there's no way they can keep our defense off BLM that long without holding.
  15. Didn't Montreal kind of push the Bomber away to catch that ball?
  16. I love it that Steveler is pushing guys on that play.
  17. I don't know who called the penalty as the one ref was just watching it and not reaching for his flag.
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