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Posts posted by BennyT

  1. That loss hurt. Long time listener first time caller on these boards. 

    I spent almost 30 years waiting for bomber grey cup wins. We had two and almost a 3rd. I enjoyed every second of the coverage and posts this week. Cherished it like a fine wine, knowing it could be another 30 before it happened again. I also know that next year our team will be competitive - O’Shea will be motivated and so will the entire staff. As a long suffering bomber fan we’ve spent many other off seasons feeling totally opposite. Remember that ? False hope is a hard thing to carry. 

    Was this a classic Argos win ? yea it was but such is life. we can look forward to a Leaf’s meltdown in a few months. I actually think it’s part of the leafs prophecy - when the Argos fluke a GC win they can’t win for another 10 years.. 

    Can’t win them all but loosing is a lot worse when you’re at the bottom there’s no hope and nothing to be proud of. That’s not the bombers of now it was the bombers of old. Go blue - time to go 1-0 next year. 

    man 3 in a row would have been great but let’s remember where we were and where we are still feels great!

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