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Posts posted by NotEZBeingGreen

  1. 7 hours ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    I don't know... Do we really get jobbed by the refs? I say we do, but I also acknowledge the fact I do wear some heavily blue tinted glasses. 



    But yeah, I think we get the short end of the stick with calls.

    Every single team gets screwed by the refs according to their fans.. especially if they lose. If they win, the team overcame a horrible performance by the refs.

    All teams benefit from and fall victim to the refs... usually multiple times every game. Those are the joys of cfl refs.


  2. 41 minutes ago, iso_55 said:

    Did you guys know that Collins the receiver in the Riders game last night came from us? We dropped him from our Neg List apparently & the Riders picked him up.

    Dont know if he was actually on the neglist but the bombers signed him earlier this year and had him in their mini-camp. They released him shortly after that and he signed with the Riders in late May.

  3. On 11/02/2016 at 4:33 PM, kelownabomberfan said:

    I agree, yet here's something I don't get - when Cauchy was here he played like hot garbage, and yet he goes to Edmonton and wins a Cup?  What???  

    System?  Coaches?  Players around him?  

    Many players look bad on bad teams and good on good teams.  Many players look good on bad teams and bad on good teams. Takes an entire team to win the grey cup.


    As for Henoc Muamba.. he is a really good, ratio breaking player.  But he has an expensive ONE year contract and is young enough to have a conceivable chance at trying the NFL again after this season (whether it is likely at this point or not).  It would be stupid for a team to leverage a potential future player (draft pick) for a large chunk of salary and a temporary player unless they truly felt that he was the piece that would take them over the top THIS YEAR. 


  4. It sounds like it came up after the fact and not when permission was given. The article I read on TSN said that Ottawa gave the Esks permission on Dec 7th with no mention of compensation. Jeff Hunt then contacted Len Rhodes, after the fact, and informed him that they would not release Maas from his contract unless they received compensation.

    What you state is true, but, what you omitted was this statement:

    *"In this circumstance the Eskimos knew we were withholding consent to hire Jason until the matter of compensation had been addressed. They simply ignored that request and hired him anyway."

    *"The Eskimos decided not to seek compensation from Saskatchewan when the Roughriders hired then-Esks head coach Chris Jones as their new head coach, general manager and vice-president of football operations."

    *By Dave Naylor, Gary Lawless and Ryan Rishaug

    Ta-da.....drama in the offseason.

    I dont recall reading that first part anywhere in the article. Unless it was edited to add that quote after the fact, I must have skipped that paragraph. It is a valid point,though I just dont see how you can enforce that this late in the game.

    Its a messy situation no matter how you look at it because, though technically there is nothing stopping teams from asking for compensation, it has never been done before. Coaches have been released from their contracts for promotions from the beginning of time in the cfl. Every single team has been the victim, and the victor, of this very situation numerous times... without all the hoopla.

    If the Esks do end up having to compensate the Redblacks, it changes the entire landscape of the cfl. How does one determine fair compensation? Roster player? Draft picks? Cash? How much did the Renegades give in return for their coaching staff?

    I dont look at it as though the Esks "chose" not to ask for compensation. No team in history has asked for compensation. They followed the protocal that has been in place for 100+ years. The media created this beast in the wake of the Chris Jones' signing and now the Redblacks are trying to cash in while the issue is at the forefront.

    Do I blame them? No not really. Why would you not try? At the same time, I think its a dangerous precedence to set at the drop of a dime. Some random on twitter says they are asking for a draft pick and cash. Now I dont know if thats true but is it fair? Should it be less/more? How do you determine that in the next 12 hours and how many teams would agree to this? Redblacks want it now because they are about to lose their OC.. what happens when they are the ones looking?

    I definately think this is an issue that should be looked at this offseason. But for the future... not tomorrow.

  5. It's a matter of a stipulation form Ottawa before allowing Edmonton to talk with Mass.

    Something like:

    "Sure, you can talk with him, but he's under contract. If it goes further, we want something to let him out of the contract".

    Legally, I guess they're solid. I don't really know.

    But, otherwise? Seems a little, I don't know? Off?

    Depends on that contract and their viewpoint I guess.

    It sounds like it came up after the fact and not when permission was given. The article I read on TSN said that Ottawa gave the Esks permission on Dec 7th with no mention of compensation. Jeff Hunt then contacted Len Rhodes, after the fact, and informed him that they would not release Maas from his contract unless they received compensation.

  6. Rider fans, continuing to miss the point. Your franchise suffers envy of the esks and wants to be like them. All those cups they won and the fans screamed bloody murder about it because they had money to throw around. Now the Riders have money to throw around and don't give a **** about pissing people off to do it, ie. becoming the Esks, and the fans are all "so? It's no big deal, they hate us cause they ain't us" 


    Just the biggest ******* hypocrites going and it's the reason no one likes your sad sack team and has nothing but contempt for the fan base. 


    What a ridiculous and childish post.  


    You might be wise to remember that there is a very real possibility that the Bombers will be looking for a GM in the not so distant future and that Murphy will probably be at the top of that list.  When that time comes, I can GUARANTEE that you will be here saying "the Bombers better get this done" as opposed to "Yeah, he's good.  But I'd rather go with someone cheaper. We called out the Riders and their fans for spending money to get the best candidates last year.  I really don't want to look like a hypocrite". 

  7. The non-challenge on the 47 yard Rogers "catch" was the turning point.  Absolutely great effort by Rogers but the ball touched the ground when he went over the defender.  Either way, the Bombers made it a game and had a great chance in the end. 


    Horrible penalty to take in that situation but what can you do? I was pulling for the bombers in this game and they had me jumping out of my seat at the end.  Was really hoping for a different end in this one than the one I've become used to this year but it is what it is. 




    I just watched Taman's interview from earlier today on the Dressler signing. Taman said Dressler's cap hit is pretty even year to year, and a little lighter in the first year. This contradicts what Penton is saying.

    Do you have a link to that interview? I just watched one from the Riders website and didn't hear him say that.
    The reference to the salary being evenly spread out is near the end of the interview:
    He was referring to salary though. A bonus is a separate thing from salary.

    Also at RiderFans it was said Labatte is getting $240,000 this season.

    Edited to add: Forget the figures from RF for Dressler. Apparently it was someone just spouting off.

    In an interview Taman was asked if Dressler was now the highest paid receiver and replied "maybe".






    This is the Riderville interview.  2:16 mark.  Taman was asked if Dressler was now the highest paid player on the team. While Taman was saying "no, no.." another (or the same) reporter said reciever.  Taman said "oh receiver?  Thanks for clarifying.  maybe".  


    While Dressler very well could be the highest paid in the league, Taman was very clearly responding to highest paid "on the team".  Watch again, you either missed or ignored it.





    Speaking of Rider fans - I'm staying at the Marriott in Maui right now. Yesterday afternoon I noticed a guy in a Rider shirt by the pool. Then a guy in a hat. Then a guy showed up with a flag. By the end there were at least fifteen of them all huddled around a laptop cheering. They drove away everyone else within earshot with their obnoxiousness. You would think that while getting drunk they would at least order drinks from the hotel while suckling down the free Wi-Fi but no, they smuggled in booze and beer and would secretly fill their glasses. We finally left after they started going on about Sunseri being better then Ricky Ray. Why can't I get away from these clowns?



    I forgot to mention the mess they left behind. Empty beer cans everywhere. They couldn't even clean up after themselves. Can't wait for that bandwagon to throw all four wheels.



    So did you leave because they were annoying or were you there when they left?

    Walked by the area they were inhabiting later in the evening enroute to dinner.




    Every bit of your post smells like petty bomber fan.  How can you sneak in drinks and throw the containers all over the pool area without anyone at said resort noticing?  One has to assume that the garbage was lying around for hours if they never bought any drinks and were sneaking them in the whole time.   Sunseri was injured on his 2nd drive of the game..  The only time anyone would have even mentioned his name, which I highly doubt they even did, was the first drive where he went 2-2 and a TD.  So he played a total of 5 minutes at the beginning of the 2nd half which must have been the time where these people were so annoying that you were forced to leave.  Yet, there was still a huge mess when you went for supper?


    If the game ended at 9:00 Sask time, it was 5:00 maui time.  So that means, even if you had a really really early supper, the garbage from the drinks said Rider fans snuck in had been piling up for hours without anyone noticing or doing anything.  Either you are full of crap or said "resortwas a 2-star motel.


    There definately are Rider fans that make the rest look like tools... people like you dont look any better than they do.

  10. Speaking of Rider fans - I'm staying at the Marriott in Maui right now. Yesterday afternoon I noticed a guy in a Rider shirt by the pool. Then a guy in a hat. Then a guy showed up with a flag. By the end there were at least fifteen of them all huddled around a laptop cheering. They drove away everyone else within earshot with their obnoxiousness. You would think that while getting drunk they would at least order drinks from the hotel while suckling down the free Wi-Fi but no, they smuggled in booze and beer and would secretly fill their glasses. We finally left after they started going on about Sunseri being better then Ricky Ray. Why can't I get away from these clowns?



    I forgot to mention the mess they left behind. Empty beer cans everywhere. They couldn't even clean up after themselves. Can't wait for that bandwagon to throw all four wheels.



    So did you leave because they were annoying or were you there when they left?

  11. My question is if the earphones that the Riders are using is allowed by the league. That basically taking out the edge of the homecrowd  noise.

    They are earPLUGS, not earphones. They are supposed to bring down the Decibal level to make it easier to communicate. Kind of like changing shoes for different field conditions. Don't think that's illegal.... Earphones or any other technology that allowed them to communicate would clearly be cheating and not allowed
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