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Status Replies posted by Tracker

  1. In my practice I have had occasion to recommend a "The Healing Code" to several who have had coping struggles. You can skip right to the "how-to" section and it is easy to learn and apply and very effective in most cases.

    1. Tracker


      Insomnia and mental health are intimately connected- enough sleep deprivation and the effects are indistinguishable from psychosis. The approach in the book I recommended has been shown to be very powerful in improving mood disorders. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Have you found a reliable streaming site for Bomber games  yet?

    1. Tracker


      If you get stuck, let me know by PM. I may be able to get you onto my Bell/TSN account.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Have you found a reliable streaming site for Bomber games  yet?

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